5 Simple Ways to Transform a Blog to a Money Making Machine

By Anna Marsh
March 18, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Whether you are a fresh graduate who is looking for a good opportunity, or a professional who is tired of working like a slave, you can always use blog as a money-making machine. In this competitive world, finding a suitable job is no more of an easy task. A candidate has to spend a lot of time and effort to get a reasonable job that only offers a limited amount of money. Whereas, blogging is an incredibly growing industry that allows everyone to give their best shot and maximizes the chances of earning millions of dollars in a month. Sounds cool, right?
So, why not adopt blogging as an ultimate source of generating income? People like Neil Patel and Darren Rowse have made an strong presence on the Internet with the help of their blogs. Today, these famous personalities are not only earning millions of dollars through blogging, but also becoming a source of relief for their prospects. Therefore, if you want to bring a positive change to your life, you need to learn some proven ways of transforming a blog to a money-making machine. And, this is how you can do it…
1) Start with Content that Can Address Your Prospect’s Issues
Oh yes, everything starts with a high quality and extremely catchy piece of content. But for this, you really need to know every possible thing about your target audience. To understand human psychology and its ever changing demands, I would recommend you read Nick Kolenda’s blog. After reading this blog, you will get a clear idea about how people react to certain situations and what steps you can take to fulfill their desires. Blogging majorly depends on the type and quality of content. Apart from content, a blogger should also come up with some exceptional ideas to fulfill the desires of his audience. Addressing a prospect’s issue with a sensible solution is extremely important to grab attention.
2) Promote E-Books on Your Blog
After driving a great amount of relevant traffic to a blog, start monetizing it for money. To do this, I would suggest you to start with the promotion of e-books. For instance, if you are running a blog that covers digital marketing trends and blogging tips, then promote e-books similar to your niche. What really matters is the traffic. If your blog is driving thousands of visitors in a month, promoting e-books can turn out to be a great money making option. All you need to do is pitch your blogging circle and convince them to promote their e-books through your blog. If your blog has remarkable stats in the form of traffic, bounce rate and conversion rate, things should go smoothly.
3) Be a Brand Ambassador
Another great tactic to make the most out of your blog is work as a brand ambassador. No matter what type of blog you are running, if you are promoting a specific product or service relevant to your niche, you can earn some serious money. Have you read Jeff Bullas before? If not, then it I would advise you to check his blog for a moment. Apart from educating the audience and offering services, he also promotes various seminars and workshops to make his online presence stronger. Similar to this, if you want to strengthen your presence on the Internet, treat your blog as a channel to promote industry-relevant content. But at the same time, keep the preferences and priorities of your readers in mind, as well.
4) Set-Up Your AdSense Account and Cash In on the Audience
AdSense is such a remarkable resource to cash blog visitors for making money. Although requests for AdSense don’t get approved very easily, once it does, monthly income increases dramatically. However, when creating an ad, make sure to use accurate sizing for banners so that your blog doesn’t give off an unprofessional appearance. Before getting started with AdSense, I would suggest you do proper research on it. You will learn the dos and don’ts of using AdSense as a source of generating income.
5) Sell Your Services
After attracting the target audience through eye-catching content, you can also present yourself as a service provider.
To make it happen, you will have to win the trust of your audience first. For instance, if you are running a fashion blog, you will have to quench the thirst of your readers through relevant and useful topics. This is the only way your readers will take you seriously and will consider you as a significant source of attaining services.
Concluding Thoughts:
So, what are you waiting for? If you are thoughtful about your future and want to bring a drastic change to your life, then create a blog and transform it to a money making machine.

Anna Marsh
Anna Marsh is working as a Senior Blogger and Growth Hacker at Essay writing help firm in New Orleans. She is a marketing freak with ten years of experience.