10 Simple Self Improvement Hacks
By Elizar Caraecle
July 13, 2015 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Aristotle once said that we are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, if you want to live a successful life, you need to have the right mindset and habits. On the other hand, it should be noted that human as we are, we have faults that prevent us from reaching our full potential.
This is where the need to improve oneself comes in. With this, you can experience personal growth, pursue your passion, live a more meaningful life, help others, and so much more!
Obviously, such task is not a walk in the park, but the good thing is: there are straightforward tips regarding the said matter. Some of which are elaborated below.
1. Go online and promote yourself
Promoting yourself online is a must, especially in the 21st century where every one is hooked on the Internet. With this, you can pursue other skills that you don’t presently have and at the same time, push yourself to the limit.
2. Have a written plan
Having a written plan is like having a map that will guide you in this journey called life. Also, as the old saying goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
3. Expect positive results
Some people may argue this point, but bear in mind that your thoughts have an effect on outcomes. So, be bold, take the right action, and bear in mind that the results will be in your favor. In line with this, expect calls each time you hand over personal calling or business cards. Remember, regardless of the circumstance, the power of optimism should not be overlooked.
4. Face your fears
Sounds like a TV commercial? You bet. So make sure to recognize your fears and pinpoint the areas that you need to develop. This straightforward move can help you grow—big time.
5. Wake up early
Do you know what Howard Shultz, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, and other successful people have in common? You guessed it. They wake up early every single day. Remember, waking up early can drastically improve your productivity and soon enough, success will follow.
6. Meditate
As unimportant as it may seem, it should be noted that meditation could be considered as the pillar of self-improvement. By meditating, you can sleep better, heal faster, get rid of junk thoughts, and reduce stress. In time, a better you will be born.
7. Take note of the opinion of others
Whether we like it or not, there will always be “blind spots” in our efforts to improve ourselves and to counteract this, you need to turn to other people (friends, colleagues, family, managers, etc.) to give their objective feedback.
8. Write a journal on a daily basis
Having a journal is a simple and great way to record your observations, feelings, thoughts, etc. With this, you can compare the mentioned factors and make the necessary adjustments in the soonest possible time.
9. Quit the bad habits
Oversleeping, being late, smoking, eating unhealthy food, not exercising are bad habits that you need to quit and replace with more positive ones.
10. Surround yourself with good people
Good people are not saints; they are happy and positive people who can enrich your life. In general, they are individuals who motivate you, empower you to make the necessary changes, cheer you during your times of success, and build you up when you’re down.
Summing up
There you have it, tips that can help you change yourself for the better, live your life to the fullest, and tap your full potential, among others.
By religiously following them, you can become a better you in no time at all. Remember, improving yourself is not a walk in the park, but it can be drastically simplified with a little help from the tips and pointers that were elaborated above. So follow them with all your heart; it’s a little something that you won’t regret.
Elizar Caraecle
Elizar an author for Technology and Gadget reviews and articles. He also fond of sharing life hacks through personal and professional experience.