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11 Productive Things To Do When You Can’t Access The Internet

Written on 8/28/2008 by Abhijeet Mukherjee. You can catch him at Jeet Blog where he blogs about different Web 2.0 apps and online tools and how they can help you become more productive. Photo Credit: noii’s


For many of us, the internet is a primary source of recreation and a critical part of everyday work. No matter how you use it, it’s expected to be there – at all times.

When the connection goes down, sadness quickly fills the room. It’s funny just how addicted people are to the internet. We’re so hooked that the loss of connectivity seems life altering. I admit, when I lose connection, my frustration level skyrockets and I feel utterly helpless.

However, it’s important to remember that it isn’t data running through our veins, it’s blood. We don’t live and die online and there are loads of things we can do to keep busy while the ISP fixes the issue. So let’s not whine about it, let’s put the extra time to good use.

Here are some ideas:

















On another note, this is also a good time to complete pending work like getting your car serviced or doing some repair work.




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