The Average Salary of an Airline Stewardess

By Jay White
February 11, 2015 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man
Flying the friendly skies as an Airline Stewardess, a vital member of every flight crew, can be an exciting and gratifying profession. The average hourly salary for an Airline Stewardess in the United States can range from $20-$70 per flight hour. The wide range in the amount of compensation a Flight Attendant can earn is based on a number of factors including location, years of experience, education, and flight destinations. Some airlines offer incentive bonuses and profit sharing to their employees.
The average yearly salary for a Flight Attendant is about $39,000, but a number of perks, called per diems, should be considered as additional benefits when considering a career as an Airline Stewardess. Compensation is often given for meals and hotel accommodations. Per diems are paid out based on the length of flights, and whether the flight is domestic or international. Flight Attendants on overseas flights to countries with stronger currencies and favorable exchange rates can expect per diem compensation to be higher than domestic flight payments. These flights are the preferred choice of many seasoned Flight Attendants.
The size of the aircraft is a factor in determining the pay rate for a Flight Attendant. The larger the aircraft, the higher the pay rate. An Airline Stewardess can be appointed to, or volunteer for the position of Purser; also known as a Service Director. Flight Attendants who assume the position of Service Director can expect an increase in salary, as well as an additional challenge and increase in responsibility. The Service Director, or Purser, manages the crew of up to 14 people and performs additional managerial tasks on board the aircraft. A Junior Flight Attendant who trains to become a Purser can almost double their salary. Fluency in another language is also a factor when salary negotiations begin. A bi-lingual Flight Attendant is in great demand for international flights, and may be compensated for that desirable skill.
Discounts on travel, hotels, vacations, and car rentals are some additional benefits that a Flight Attendant can expect to enjoy. With a little research, and a spirit of adventure you can find the Flight Attendant position best- suited to your lifestyle and your circumstances.

Jay White
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