12 Common Mistakes that Can Affect the Cholesterol Level
By Wasim Charoliya
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

We all know how essential it is to maintain a healthy diet and keep yourself fit to control your cholesterol level, which is necessary for heart health. Cholesterol levels tell your doctor about fats in the blood that trigger health issues such as heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.
Do you know how bad cholesterol levels are for your health and how it affects the whole body? Here in this blog, we will share what we need to avoid for a healthy life.
Take a look at these 12 Common Mistakes that can affect your Cholesterol Level
1). Not Getting Diagnosed Immediately
This is the major mistake that we all make is not getting it diagnosed immediately. If you people find out any problem with diet or lifestyle, then take medications because it would help. Just make sure you have a blood test right after you turn 20 or 25 to know where your health is right now.
2). Cutting out Dietary Fat
Another mistake we used to make is to cut out all the fat from the diet. Cutting out Trans fats and saturated fats is true but take polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, along omega-3 fatty acids in moderation. Although you need to check the calorie count that can add up quickly with the good fat, always take a small portion of your diet.
3). Skipping Wrong Foods
Well, you indeed have to avoid the foods that raise the cholesterol level. Always be thoughtful about what you are eating. Understand types of high protein diet first. Eggs are rich in protein and other essential nutrients to have one egg, and avoid having this with a glass of whole milk. Also, go for the substitution such as low-fat cheese rather than full-fat cheese. It is important to keep eating your favorite food by motivating yourself to reduce your cholesterol intake.
4). Not Exercising
Dieting alone is not enough, and everyone needs to combine this with exercise. It doesn’t matter how busy you are, just take out a few minutes for exercise and see the difference. Just increase physical activity and eat a healthy diet because it can lower down the LDL cholesterol level. Medications work to lower down the cholesterol level, but a healthy diet and exercise are the factors that reduce high cholesterol.
5). Medications with Grapefruit Juice
It makes sense that your breakfast included grapefruit juice, but taking medications with juice can prevent the body from absorbing statins. Don’t forget to take the help of a doctor, but grapefruit juice affects your health and cholesterol level. You can take the liquid in the morning but don’t take medications with this.
6). Making yourself Couch Potato
We don’t want you to sit all the time because it increases obesity and heart disease, and high blood pressure. Keep yourself busy in household activities to lower the cholesterol that helps get rid of bad stuff. It will raise the triglyceride levels. Try to get up after every 30 minutes.
7). Smoking and Drugs Addiction
Smoking and drug addiction lower down the good cholesterol level that puts your health in danger. It also increases the high blood pressure and insulin level. You all need to leave these addictions as soon as possible for a better and healthy lifestyle. Quitting makes your cholesterol level better and provides protection for arteries from hardening. Opioid abuse is dangerous for human health and increases the cholesterol level, so everyone should leave this and rehab centers to prefer the naloxone dose to keep you away from the severe health issues.
8). Being Overweight
So many diseases trigger being overweight, and do you know fat around your belly can raise the bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol? Consult your doctor about the best diet and exercise which helps you to lose weight. Just lose 10% weight. That would help you with so many things.
9). Consumption of Saturated Fat
Maintaining the cholesterol level consumption of saturated fat is dangerous and comes from beef, pork, lamb, butter, cream, cheese, and yogurt. These all ingredients can raise bad cholesterol. Go with skim milk and low-fat yogurt. If your cholesterol is high, then you should avoid saturated fats.
10). Eating More Fiber
Fiber is of two types that dissolve in water and are insoluble. Both types of fiber are good for heart health and lower down LDL cholesterol. Just take a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and add fruits and veggies to the diet. Too much consumption of fiber would affect the cholesterol level.
11). Not following to Medication Plan
Statins always have a dangerous impact on cholesterol levels, and they trigger heart disease. It’s pretty much difficult to follow the mediation plan for so long, but everyone should take it as instructed. People who don’t take medication on the schedule would have heart health issues. Talk to doctors and get to know your current health status right now.
12). Overlooking Sugar
If you people ignore dietary sugar and limit the cholesterol level and fat in the diet, it also increases the cholesterol level. Excessive calories come from sugar as well as fat that turn into triglycerides and promote unhealthy cholesterol levels. Make cholesterol levels better by reducing fat and exercising. If you are addicted to alcohol, don’t forget it contains more sugar and raises cholesterol. Cut back all types of sugar, including sweetened drinks and refined carbs.
These are the mistakes that affect the cholesterol level of the human body, and we all need to discuss with the doctor if we do not see any change in health. Do work on cholesterol-reducing recommendations that do work. If your number is not getting down, then the doctor would let you know how to maintain the level of success for a healthy lifestyle. Do let us know what you people following for keeping cholesterol levels balanced are.