Dumb Little Man

5 Tips to Impress a Guy

Impressing a guy is simple but, not that simple! Many girls think that if they talk in a romantic manner they can win over a guy’s heart. However like women, men are also at times really difficult to understand.This issue becomes more problematic when you have a crush on a guy and you just can’t understand how to impress. Thus to help you out on this critical issue here is mentioned some common ways, by which you can impress a guy.


Social media:

Social media today has become one of the best sources. Likewise, it can perform as a main source to impress your guy. To get close you can share your feelings by sending him romantic lines or messages. Before this, make sure that he is also interested in you for making a formal chat. All along make sure not to present yourself as a desperate soul. Trust me, guys just don’t like desperate and needy girls. Late night chats can be more instrumental. Just tell him that you are not feeling sleepy or something. On this pretext, start a chat. Believe me, late night chats does that trick.

Be unique and independent:

Let him know in what ways you are special. Your sophistication will make him feel that you are one step higher than the other girls. Mostly try to be independent in doing any work, as this is the quality often liked by boys. This independent behaviour of yours will make them feel that you are capable of handling any tough situation, resulting in the gain of importance; following which he will develop a respect for you.

Be yourself-:

Show your original self. Don’t give them any chance to feel that you are afraid of facing any situation. Be open minded, make them notice ‘The Real You’ and this can be done by openly sharing your views. At times admitting to your weak points and mistakes will make them feel that you are genuine. It will also show that you trust him.

Be lovable:

Kindness is liked by boys, so try to be kind enough towards your and his surrounding people (generally friends). Highlighting him, whenever possible in a healthy atmosphere, is the best way to impress him. But be aware of not showing off too much about him, which may easily pull to a point that you are actually over-doing. Make your guy believe in some small ways like asking about his health when he is unwell, or making some delicious foods. Men, like women, too love being pampered.


Girls, you know this very well. guys love beautiful girls. Just believe that awesome intelligent personality may impress a guy, but good looks will make him yours. But make sure that you don’t overdo anything. If those thick wings don’t suit your eyes, just don’t do it. You need to make yourself beautiful and presentable and not a fashion disaster.

With all these above tips, trust me girl, your guy can be soon all yours. Try one or all of these tips and feel the change in him.

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