50 Tools that can Increase your Writing Skills


October 29, 2006   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

We found this while cruising though Bloglines last night. If you are writing anything at all, odds are you’ll improve your skills by spending some time at the Poynter Institute. So without delay, here is a list of a whopping 50 articles that we should all read (yes, I said we because my writing tends to lack in a few dozen areas!)

First, a little about Poynter: The values supporting these guidelines are rooted in Poynter’s dedication to teaching and inspiring journalists and media leaders. Poynter is a school that promotes excellence and integrity in the practices of craft and the practical leadership of successful businesses. It stands for a journalism that informs citizens, builds community, and enlightens public discourse. In our publishing, we strive to practice the kind of journalism we preach.

These should certainly keep you busy for a while. In case you missed the link above, visit the Poynter Institute for additional resources. Consideration to: Lifehack.org because we subscribe to their feed which pointed to this site and to del.icio.us because it was their keyword RSS feed that revealed it.


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