There are many dreamers out there and the world is full of them. We all have dreams, but we do not all accomplish those dreams. It is one thing to dream, and it is another to live the dream.
Truth be told, nothing is so easy in life more than to have a dream, and the most difficult part is to live the dream. There are many dreams out there rotting in the grave and thousands are joining them every day.
The question you will need to ask is if you want to take that dream to the
grave, or you would like to live those dreams while you’re still alive.
To help you live your dreams in life, I’ll be sharing with you 6 key roles you will have to play if you will ever sustain your dream in life.

You’re never certain if it’s worth a dream until you can bet your life on it. Let me beak it down. You must be able to redefine whatever you call a dream in your life. The reason people easily give up on their dream is because it was never a dream in the first place.
If you truly have a dream, then nothing will be able to come in between you and your dream in life except death. Your dream is simply your burning passion. The flame for desiring it must keep glowing or else when the desire is overcome, then the flame is out.
The very best way to easily kill your dreams in life is by telling it to people who do not understand it.
No one will quickly kill your dreams than those who have adequate knowledge of it. You may think you’re going for advice, and the best they can tell you is to quit pursuing such a dream because to them, it doesn’t make any sense.
Truly, there are dreams that don’t make sense, but people who will tell you to quit a dream are not people who are…
* threatened by your dreams because it is too powerful for them.
* those who are even without a dream for themselves.
* not those who are as well struggling to find a bearing for their personal dreams
Even when you tell your dreams to people who are willing to help, you must be sure you understand your dream yourself so that where they do not understand, you can adequately explain. Always remember, no one should be able to understand your dream more than you do.
To help your dream, help yourself by those you move with. You will always be like 5 people in your life you spend most of your time with.
You need people you can fire you up. People who can inspire you. You need friends that can challenge you. In fact, you need more people in your life you are better than you do. That is why I always say, choose your friends, never let them choose you.
Every step you take daily counts. Your living must be intentional. You can’t afford to live as you wish because every step you take daily must be those steps
that can take you to your dreams daily.
This is where you must be conscious of your living. Dreams don’t just happen, it must be planned because you will never achieve it by chance.
Whatever that is called dream must be big enough that it can never be achieved in few days, weeks, or moths. Sometimes, to accomplish a dream takes years by breaking a lot of sweat.
Hence, if it can’t be accomplished once, do it in parts. Do something a day about it. It could be about getting additional information about it, or seeking help from those who can give you support.
At every point in your bed at night before you sleep, always ask yourself a few questions like those below;
* What new thing have I done about my dream today?
* What unnecessary step did I take that I wouldn’t like to repeat tomorrow?
* What new thing have I learned about this project/dream? Etc
You must develop the habit of always questioning your living, most especially when it comes to your dreams. You won’t always see people around to ask you questions of such. Criticize yourself before others do it for you, judge your living of it worth emulating.
You need a friend you can trust. You will never do anything all by yourself. We were never created to be self-sufficient, that power belongs to GOD alone.
The world is full of betrayal, hypocrites, sycophants, and many others. So, shall we conclude in our heart that because of this, we won’t have friends? Let me remind you, accidents happens everyday on the road, would you stop driving a car because of that?
It is risky to choose a friend to confide on, and it is even riskier not to have anyone to confide on. That is why it is said, “if you want to run fast, run
alone. If you want to run far, run together.”
Now that you’ve learned the 6 Key roles you need to play in sustaining your dream, then I ask, where are you taking your dream, or where is your dream taking you?