6 Manageable Steps to Life Goals Achievement

By Zohair Sharif
November 18, 2015 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

There are many steps one can take to achieve their goals. Though different, they all have one thing in common; you can only go so far, if you do not take them together. Yes, they are all important in building the right character for success in an individual, but the trick in building this persona, is to implement all these steps into one’s lifestyle. The below are the steps so discussed.
Set Realistic Goals
Before you go for what you want, you have to know exactly what you want; this is the first step in achieving your goals. There are short term goals and long term goals. Write them down, most preferably in a diary that you should be carrying around with you and arrange them in order of ‘urgent and important, and those that marry into each other; with the final goal being that which is the ultimate goal. Once that is taken care of, follow the next step to achieving your goals…
One word but ooh so powerful is to desire is the act of wanting something, wanting it so bad that you would achieve a deep sense of satisfaction once you acquire that which you long for. To achieve your goals in life you have to desire a goal. Make sure that your sense of desire is strong enough to keep your inner fire burning. The stronger your desire, the longer you will last. So set your priorities straight, keep your goals at the top most tips in your desire pyramid and go straight for what you want. Remember, you need to keep your eyes on the prize if you want to keep at it.
Get over your Fears!
It’s OK to be afraid, but it is NOT OK to let fear become a hindrance your desire. Fear maybe a problem, but it is not impossible to beat. There are a few practical approaches you could try to get over it. One of them is, standing in front of the mirror each morning and telling you “I will not let fear hold me down. I AM BETTER THAN THIS and I am meant to achieve what I want and SO MUCH MORE”. It’s that simple. Telling yourself this and other positive words every morning and every night before going to sleep boosts your confidence and self-esteem subconsciously and before you know it, your conscious self will actually believe it. Once you have fear out of the way, you will find yourself achieving your goals as easy as you can say one, two, three….and there you have it, you are ready to achieve your full potential.
To achieve your goals in life, you must work, work, and work. There is no amount of repetition that can stress this point enough. You work to eat, work to pay bills, work to live…basically, you work to survive. Setting your goals and desire is useless if nothing is done about it. So get up from that sofa and let’s get working.
Discipline and having a “Never giving up” Attitude
Now that you actually put yourself to work, how long can you keep it up? Discipline is the only answer to this query. Desire makes you aware of your prize, discipline make sure you get there. Building discipline is easy; all you have to do is create a routine. This could prove difficult at first but it is not impossible. Eventually, your body will follow the system of activities that you have put in place for yourself without a hitch. Take for example an obese individual trying to lose a certain amount of pounds, if he/she commits to jogging for thirty minutes every morning he/she wakes up, without giving in to the pain that comes from it, eventually he/she will lose those pounds. It’s all about the “never give up attitude”.
This step lies more closely to discipline. To achieve your goals in life, one has to be consistent. One has to go towards his/her goals come what may. One has to keep the routine alive; amend and perfect it to attain your maximum potential. It serves like memory; the more the subject is repeated, the more it is committed to memory.
Reward yourself
For every short term goal attained, reward yourself with something that you had sacrificed just to keep focused. It not only boosts your self-confidence, but also boosts your morale in attaining the next short term goal on your list. Do not get into your comfort zone though; it is just a temporary breather. So you dropped twenty pounds in one month, a small piece of chocolate to appease your craving won’t do you much harm.
In a nutshell, you have to have taken all these steps to achieve your goals. They are easy, just take them, implement them all and be amazed by how a little sacrifice can go a long way.

Zohair Sharif
Zuhair Sharif is a Health and wellness Blogger, He blogs at Health Livening