In my previous article, I talked about the reasons for making the switch to Windows 7. Hoping that those reasons convinced you to upgrade, I am back with an article that talks about six things you should check before you start the process of upgrading to Windows 7.
While upgrading might sound intimidating to someone who’s not computer savvy, it isn’t that difficult if one knows beforehand what he needs and how he should proceed. This post aims to address that.
Which edition to go for?
So you’ve decided to get Windows 7. Should you go for the Windows 7 premium or the Ultimate version? Do all of them have the XP mode, a feature that’d allow you to run Windows XP in virtual mode? How do you choose which is the best version for you?
To answer the above questions, Microsoft has prepared a comparison chart that compares all the Windows 7 versions. It’ll help you decide the right version for you.
Use Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor
Is your computer ready for an upgrade? Are all the parts compatible with Windows 7? What about the software and tools? Do all of them run on the new OS?
To find out if your computer can run Windows 7, you can download the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor provided by Microsoft and scan your PC with the tool.
32 bit or 64 bit?
You’ve heard these terms called 32 bit and 64 bit, been intrigued by them and want to know what are they all about and if you should get a brand new 64 bit Windows 7 PC. This article on 32 bit and 64 bit Windows explains the details and tells you how to choose between them.
Clean install or upgrade install?
So how should you go about the upgrading process? Should you do an upgrade install, which means upgrading on top of the present operating system, or do a clean install from scratch? Check out this article that talks about the various aspects related to installing and reinstalling Windows 7.
Check compatibility of individual applications
Want to know if a particular software or application would work on Windows 7? Run a check for that online in the Windows 7 compatibility center and find out if it is compatible with Windows 7.
Test Windows 7 Online
Finally, if you want to get a hands on experience of Windows 7 and its various features then check this article that shows you a way to test drive Windows 7 online.