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7 Ways That a Slight Tweak Will Dramatically Change Your Life

Image via Creative Commons, Mike Baird’s Flickr photostream. (Source)

For the most part, as a species I believe that we have become lazy. We have invented technologies, communication platforms, and many other things mainly as a way to expend less effort and produce the same result. As a blogger and a general early adopter of new technology, I think that it’s not necessarily a bad thing; efficiency is always good.

The problem is that this idea has permeated so many other areas of our lives. When you see things like diet pills, get rich quick schemes, and other things of this sort, it’s easy to make the assessment that people don’t want to put in effort. One could argue that taking short cuts has hurt the world’s economy; we want things now and are willing to make concessions and take unprecedented risks in order to get them. The outcome of these decisions and shortcuts is often dire or at least counter-productive.

Minimal effort will always yield minimal results. Conversely, maximum effort might not always yield maximum results. So where is the balance? Perhaps we could agree that in most areas, the slightest bit of increased effort could make a huge difference in your results. Let’s take a look at some examples.

7 Ways a Slight Extra Effort will Change Your Life

The point you should take away from this is that the slightest extra effort will make a difference when you look at it from a long term perspective.

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