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8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Always Be An Optimist

Written on 5/28/2008 by Alex Shalman, creator of the Practical Personal Development blog.


A pessimist? That’s a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist.~Elbert Hubbard

There are many people out there who will swear that a bit of positivity will solve all the problems in the world. They’re out there strutting their big smiles, great days, and unrealistic expectations of the world. The rest of us are annoyed — maybe even a little offended.

There’s a reason we’re all a bit put off by the constant optimist. Their behavior does not reflect the status quo nor does is fairly represent what’s going on in the news or global community. It makes you wonder how someone can get up the nerve to have a great day when there are typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis and global warming that are killing thousands as we speak.

Sure positivity could reduce some stress for the person exhibiting it, but let’s take a closer look at the overall cons of obsessive optimism:

8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Always Be An Optimist

  1. Creating stress. Not everyone can handle your overbearing optimism in the face of adversity. Even if you have no survival story, people get worked up, frustrated, and irritated at the fact that you’re prancing around like you cured world hunger. And so what if you did, there are still people dieing for diamonds — get back to work.







The message here is not to become a downright pessimist; it’s to remain realistic. There are definitely ways to have a positive outlook on things without taking it too far. Do you have a story where optimism failed you or someone you know? Share it in the comments below.

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