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9 Year End Tax Tips that may pay for your Holiday Shopping!

Christmas has come and gone – well, at least until that credit card bill comes. Before you begin the tradition of fearing the mail carrier and the inevitable sticker shock that awaits, why not take some preemptive measures and make it a little simpler to pay your credit card bill, your mortgage, or simply start that emergency fund that has alluded you.

This is indeed the time of year where planning pays. Consider a couple of year end tax saving strategies for perhaps a larger tax refund or smaller liability, depending upon your situation.

    1. Consider sending in some additional money towards your mortgage. The extra interest you pay will be deductible in 2008. 

“You may deduct charitable contributions of money or property made to qualified organizations if you itemize your deductions.” (IRS Publication 78)

Make any cash charitable contribution by the end of the year. You can use your credit card therefore making charitable deductions deductible in 2008. 

Remember that a good tax advisor/preparer can really be worth their salt and getting your taxes done early can also create some savings too.

Many CPA’s offer an early bird special if you get them your information in February. This also allows for a better dialogue between you and your tax advisor. I can speak from experience from preparing taxes that the clients that got their information into the office in April did not get the same deductions that the client got in February and March. Simply, this is because there is no time for phone tag when you wait until the last minute.

Written on 12/27/2008 by Bob O’Brien. Bob has been a financial advisor for 14 years and is a Sr. Instructor at Photo Credit: rick


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