The 18 Most Valuable Parts to Success
May 5, 2008 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Written on 5/05/2008 by Nicholas Powiull, writer and owner of Conscious Flex.
There are only a few good definitions for the word success; there are however thousands of interpretations. In this article we’ll assume that we can agree that success is achieved by accomplishing your goals or desires. Fair enough? Good.
Now that we agree on the definition, let’s move on to the process; it’s much tougher to grasp. The process for truly achieving success in work, home, or social settings contains several moving parts, all of which must be equally considered. This article will explain the most valuable parts of success. If you follow the recipe or guide in this article, you can achieve just about any goal you desire.
- Doing Less Creates More
Most people believe that the harder you work, the more you gain. Yet the opposite is true. The people that figure out ways to get more done by exerting less power are the ones that truly get ahead – big time. These people were challenged, innovated, actively took action, and went against the grain of the majority. That is what made them successful, not the fact that the physically worked more. When you can learn to do less and gain more, you will find success.
- Act Out The Things You Desire
Act as if you already have the things you desire. Doing this will allow you to be and see things from the perspective of the person (or position) you desire to be. Acting it out, leads you to it by taking the precise steps for getting there.
If you study a person who is successful and follow the way they do things, then you are learning what it takes to be successful. Acting out your desire is much like this tactic, except instead of studying the person; your studying what it feels like to be successful. Knowing that feeling will allow you to be in the state and do successful things based on that state of being.
- Respect Your Expectations
If you expect that doing something will not provide you with what you need or desire, do not do it. If you expect that going to a job everyday for the rest of your life will not get you anywhere, do not do it. If you expect that living your passion would be the highest joy, do it. If you respect your expectations, you will be led to success.
- Inspiration Fulfillment
Inspiration is an emotional charge that drives you to take action. More times than not, when the inspiration settles, people tend to stop taking action in the direction that inspiration lead them. In order to keep being inspired, you must keep the things that inspire you close. This will keep the communication with inspiration open. If it still fades (no matter the reason), keep taking action and you will fulfill your inspiration to achieve any success that you set out to do.
- Direction of Abundance
Successful people always realize that there is enough of everything to go around. When you see that there is enough, you will have more than enough. When you feel, think, and believe that there is not enough, you will do everything within that mind-set. The “not enough’ perspective is like a box that limits your ability to take action in the direction of abundance.
- Keep Your Intelligence Up
Successful people always grow. Do a crossword, play chess, read a book that will help you grow, go out and meet more people, etc. Intelligence is not something people are born with, intelligence is created. Intelligence is created by having experiences and attaining knowledge. Albert Einstein was not born a genius, he was a genius because he stuck with the problem longer. When you stick with a problem until you find a answer, then you allow yourself all sorts of experience. Through each experience, you attain more knowledge about the problem and are one step closer to the solution.
- Act On Desire
The moment you have a desire to achieve something, act on it. Desire is there for you to act on. Success can be defined as, acting on desire. If you obtain the desire to own a sports car, do something in that moment that will push your motivation levels higher. Even if you cannot afford the car, go talk to a dealer, or go test drive one; go do something that spins you closer towards it. When you walk in the direction of your goals, your goals will start walking towards you too.
- Make a Win Win Situation
When you share something of value, people will naturally desire to share with you as well. Long-term success is only achieved, activated, and found through the process of giving value.
- Tell Yourself Positive Things
The subconscious mind believes everything it is told without question, it does not have the ability to reason the difference and make decisions on logic. The subconsciousness makes decisions based on memory through the day and carries out things like habits. In other words, even if you do not consciously believe the positive things you tell yourself, your subconscious picks up on it. Eventually the subconsciousness will turn positive things into a belief, from the consciousness through habit. Have you ever lived in an area where people have a accent? If you stay there long enough and keep hearing the accent, you will automatically start speaking the same way based on the subconsciousness. Successful people are positive people and make a habit out of it.
- Be a Leader
Don’t follow the majority of the population. Success comes from going against the grain. The majority of people are not successful because they are followers. A leader is a person who is willing to test something new. A leader is someone who shares new beneficial ideas with others, so others can be leaders too.
- Use Imagination
Through imagination, you open a window to more choices. If you feel that your stuck in a job because you have no choice, use imagination to allow yourself to see more opportunity. Imagine yourself being able to accomplish more. Successful people have a very active and powerful imagination. It is only through the imagination that one can find a solution. Success is not ever giving up on a problem, always finding a way, and choosing success no matter what. This is done through imagination.
- Be Flexible
Being fixed, set, un-open, and inflexible limits opportunity. Limiting opportunity, limits experiences. Limiting experiences, limits success. Success comes from having enough experiences and failing enough times to know how to success.
- See Opportunity Everywhere
See opportunity in everything you do. Even in the worst of negative situations, there is an opportunity to grow and learn something. When you start seeing opportunity everywhere, you start seeing more. Seeing more choices, more ideas, more experiences, seeing more ways to succeed.
- Express Ideas
Ideas enter your mind and leave your mind just as fast. The mind can only retain a limited amount of information. Therefore, when you get an idea, write it down immediately (always have a small notebook and pen) or carry a voice recorder and write it down later (this is probably the best device). When you express your ideas, you leave room for more.
- Optimize Your Success
You can optimize your success by not putting things off for later. When reading your email, respond to the ones that need responding. If you do not have time to respond, do not check your email. Whatever it is, while it is there, take care of it or do not allow it to be there. The mind quickly picks up on habits, both positive and negative. When you respond in the moment, you can replace the old habit of putting it off.
- Stay Out of Perfection
Perfecting everything slows down success. Stop organizing and perfecting everything, just allow things to flow their course. If you must correct, organize, and perfect; allow the natural successful flow first. Get things out first, then optimize.
- Do the Big & Important First
To keep from procrastinating, get the big things out of the way first. Doing the most important things first, will gain you the most benefit. Optimizing success is about not letting the little things distract you. Move all the little things out of the way, for the purpose of getting the big things done. For example, if writing an article is the most beneficial, first research what you need to write the article, then hide the short cut icons that lead to the internet (to stay focused).
- Do Successful By Being Successful
Being successful is not a one-time thing, you must continue to be successful everyday to see results. Therefore, do at least two things everyday that move you in the direction of your desire.