28 Signs Of Jealousy (How To Deal With Someone Who Envies You)

By Ruth Jesse

January 10, 2024   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Not sure that why someone is feeling jealous of you? Wondering that who is secretly jealous of you?

Well, it can be a bit difficult to spot an envious person or a person who is jealous of you but it is not impossible as well.

Generally, you will get a negative vibe from such a person and it can indicate that the person is jealous of you, but still, there are some signs that can help you in order to identify a jealous individual.

Photo credit: spicyray.com

Further, if you are wondering that why people get jealous of others, then this can be due to certain factors including some of their personal issues, their low self-esteem, or certain insecurities that they face.

Jealous people can certainly have a negative impact on one’s life. So, what you have to do is to look for these types of people and identify them so that you can remain protected from them.

Therefore, in order to remain safe from such jealous people, you have to identify them.

This article will help you in this regard and will provide you some signs that will help you to identify such people.

◈ Here are the 28 Signs Of Jealousy (How To Deal With Someone Who Envies You) ◈

When someone is jealous of you, then that specific person almost dislikes everything that is associated with you. They kind of dislike everything relevant to you.

Such types of people can not accept the happiness of others and can’t watch someone rise.

Therefore, the following are some of the signs that will generally help you in order to identify whether someone is jealous of you or not? So that you can be warned about this.

1. Fake compliments

Has someone ever told you that he is feeling jealous of you? Probably the answer to this question would be “No”.

Well, definitely a jealous person who never tells anyone that he is jealous. So how to identify such people?

The first thing that needs to be mentioned here is that such types of jealous people show the other person with fake compliments.

Basically, this type of particular person will shower you with kind of insincere compliments and will act in a way being over supportive.

So, you just have to watch for such types of people.

2. Neck to neck competition

If you pay attention, then in your life you will probably have a person who almost turns everything into a neck-to-neck competition with you. He tries everything so that he can undermine your talents.

If this has happened to you, then it is indeed a clear indication that the specific person is jealous of you.

What you will observe is that they try to turn everything into a battle.

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3. Make you feel week

Another important sign of a jealous individual is that he always tries to make you feel weak. He will make you think that you are incapable and weak and not only to you but will also make other friends and people think the same.

Such kind of an approach reflects their intentions and indicates the jealousy of such people towards you.

4. Steal your position

Have you ever thought that someone is trying to take away or steal your position, the status that you have in your friends and family? If yes, then sadly that person is jealous of you.

It is also a sign of jealous people that they try to steal the position of those people of whom they are jealous.

5. Try to copy you

Copying someone can indeed be associated with various other things as well but still, it can also indicate that the person is jealous of you.

This copycat behavior can be linked to a jealous person as that specific person tries to mimic you, your behavior, and your personality.

6. Downplay your success

This is also a very prominent sign of jealous people. What such type of people does is that they try to downplay your success.

It will appear to you that such people try to undermine your achievements, your hard work. Even, such people may call your hard-earned success mere luck.

7. Don’t acknowledge hard work

Ever happened that someone didn’t acknowledge your hard work?

Such types of people will think about your success as mere luck or success that included very little effort.

These types of people won’t acknowledge the hard work that has been put into the work that has probably led you to success. Hence, this is also a clear sign of jealous people that they won’t appreciate a person’s success.

8. Overemphasize their personal achievements

Another sign of jealous people is that they overemphasize their own success.

By doing so, what they actually are trying to do is to make themselves appear more superior and hardworking. These types of people are definitely terribly insecure.

9. Tell everyone about their success

When a jealous person achieves something that can either be big or small, the thing with these people is that you will notice that they will tell everyone about it.

It is a clear sign that is present in jealous people that they try to tell their stories of success to almost the whole world.

Hence, this is the apparent reason that why these types of people spread this type of news when they achieve success.

10. Make you feel at a lower level

Photo credit: spicyray.com

A jealous person will always make you feel that you are nothing as compared to him. They will make themselves always feel superior to you and will think or regard their success as superior and better than yours as well.

11. You are not on par with them

Again, just similar to the above-mentioned point that a person who will be jealous of you will make you feel that you are not on par with them.

Further, such an individual will do anything that will make you feel in such a way. This indeed indicates the toxic behavior of jealous people.

12. Make you fail

Again, among other obvious signs, it is also a very common sign and indication according to which a jealous person will have the main objective and that would be to see you fail.

When such a person will see you fail, then it will bring a kind of satisfaction and peace to him.

13. Misguide you

Another sign of a jealous individual will be that he will misguide you more often. Now, the main reason for a person to misguide you would be that through their wrong guidance, according to them, you will end up being a failure.

Whenever you will ask for advice, a jealous individual will try to sabotage you by providing you with bad advice.

14. Burst your plans

Again a very important sign for identifying a jealous person is that whenever you come up with a new plan, they will be the one to burst up your plan bubble. The main reason behind this would definitely be their jealousy. What these people will want is to never see you gain success in your life.

15. Uncomfortable questions

Have you ever thought that the questions a person is asking you are making you uncomfortable? Well, this can also be a sign of a jealous person.

Such types of people usually ask a lot of questions. Well, nothing wrong with asking questions but the type of follow-up questions that a jealous man will ask you will make you feel more uncomfortable.

16. Spreading rumors

Another important sign of a jealous person is that he will spread rumors about you, and usually, such types of people do enjoy this thing as well.

In other words, we can say that a jealous individual will gossip about you and will spread various types of rumors regarding you so that your image can be disturbed in front of other people.

17. Irritate you

A jealous individual will always try to find out ways through which he can irritate you and trouble you. The main reason behind doing this is probably because they are jealous of you and only wish that they could be like you.

18. Obsession

Photo credit: marriage.com

Have you ever thought of someone as being a green-eyed monster in your life?

What such people do is that they continuously try to see that what is happening in your life.

Such types of people will maintain contact with your friends and family members so that they can know what is happening in your life. It would appear that they are kind of obsessed with you.

19. Don’t want to see you in the spotlight

Again, a thing that most jealous people hate is to see you in the spotlight. You can think of this to be a nightmare for such people.

Such people will do anything to get you out of this spotlight and will also try to steal it from you.

20. Will try to ruin your moments

If you are in a moment that you are really enjoying, then this will make a jealous person bad. This will give rise to certain negative feelings in that person and that person feels jealous.

Therefore, a jealous individual will try to ruin every happy moment that you have.

21. Won’t appreciate

Again, an indication of toxic people or people who are jealous of you is that these types of people won’t appreciate you. Such people usually have a kind of passive-aggressive behavior and they feel bad for your success.

22. Great plan spoilers

A sign of a jealous person is that he will always act as a great plan spoiler. These types of people always try to negatively impact your plans and act as plan spoilers.

23. Diplomacy

Another very important sign of jealous people is that they try to handle different situations with great diplomacy. If you know a person who handles situations with such diplomacy, then it is an indication that the person is jealous of you.

24. Faking solidarity

Photo credit: newharbinger.com

If a person is jealous of you, then he will fake solidarity for you and try to ruin everything related to you. Further, behind the fake solidarity, such people have deep hatred inside their hearts for you.

25. Complain more frequently

Complaining is also a virtue of these types of jealous people. They will try to find an opportunity and complain about anything that would be related to you.

So, if you know a person who complains more frequently about things related to you, then that person is really jealous of you.

26. Overcritical

Just like more complaining, a person who is jealous of you will be more critical towards you. These types of people will always make you feel that you lack in certain aspects and that you could have done more better.

Overall, we can say that these people are very critical when it comes to anything being related to you.

27. Claim your success

Another sign of a jealous person is that he always tries to claim your success although he may not have any part in that.

it is possible that they wouldn’t have played their part in a project but still, they will claim success to be theirs.

28. Demotivate you

Ever had a person in your life who always seems to be demotivating you? If yes, then that person is probably going through extreme jealousy.

If someone is demotivating you constantly, then it is among warning signs that the person is really jealous of you.

Henceforth, these were some of the signs that can help you in order to identify a jealous person. The good news is that if you are able to identify a person who is jealous of you, then you can easily achieve success in overcoming that person and doing what is more suitable.

❐ Signs of a jealous woman ❐

If you want to know about signs of a jealous woman, then these are probably as follows.

➔ Wants to know every detail

If a woman is trying to know each and every detail about your life, your time, and so on, then it is indeed a clear indication that she is jealous.

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➔ Tries to control you

If a woman is trying to control everything that is associated with you, then it is an indication that she is jealous of you.

She might tell you that you are not allowed to talk to some specific person or things related to this.

➔ Going through your belongings

Although this may seem to be a bit odd, is a fact that if a woman seems to be going through your personal belongings on regular basis, then it is a clear indication that she is jealous of something.

➔ Gets upset when you talk to another woman

Photo credit: marriage.com

Ever happened to you that when you talk to some other woman, then your woman gets upset or furious.

If yes, then it is an indication of her being jealous. It is possible that she might see it as a betrayal and become jealous of this thing.

❆ Signs of a jealous man ❆

In a relationship, you can come to know whether a man is jealous or not by looking at some of the signs that are as follows.

➤ Checks upon you

If a man is constantly checking upon you, then it is an indication of his being jealous. It is possible that he might frequently call you or text you, then this indicates that he is being jealous.

➤ Accesses your accounts

If a man is constantly trying to access your accounts or has access to your accounts such as social media accounts etc., then it is again an indication that he is probably jealous of something.

➤ Getting compliments from someone else

If you are a person who upon getting compliments from someone else puts you in danger or trouble, then believe me that your man is jealous of this.

He may think of this as a threat to your healthy relationship and this probably makes him feel jealous.

➤  Stalks you

Again, a very common indication if someone is jealous of you or not?

If the man constantly stalks you, then it is a clear indication that he is jealous because of something.

♨ Signs Your Friend Is Jealous ♨

Following are the signs that will tell you that your friend is jealous of you.

➣ Negativity

If you tell something to your jealous friend, then he will always return you with negativity. It would appear that they always have negative comments or things to say. It is indeed an indication or sign of jealousy.

➣ Try to outdo you

If you share something with your jealous friend, then he will always try to outdo you. This is indeed a clear indication of his jealousy of you.

➣ Make you feel bad

Again, a very common sign of a jealous friend is that he always tries to make you feel bad. He will try to make you feel guilty and bad for something that you have done.

➣ Struggle with insecurity

If your friend is one who is always going through a sense or feeling of inferiority, then it is an indication that he is being jealous. A jealous person usually struggles with insecurities.

☀ How do you protect yourself from a jealous person? ☀

If you know that a person is jealous of you, then you should definitely look for certain ways to protect yourself from the negativity of such a jealous person. So, the following are some of the ways through which you can achieve this thing.

Photo credit: spicyray.com

1. Recognize

The first and the most important thing that needs to be done is recognition. You have to recognize that who is jealous of you because if you won’t be able to recognize that individual, then you won’t be able to protect yourself from that person.

2. Be a low profile

Well, if you want to remain protected from the eyes of a jealous person, then the best thing to do is to keep a low profile. In this way, you would be able to remain out of the sight of such jealous people.

3. Deflect praises

Deflecting praises can be a very good method of protecting yourself from the harm of a jealous person. By deflecting praises, you are actually trying to diffuse the jealousy across multiple individuals and this might prove to be helpful.

4. Have supportive people

Having some support from people whom you can really rely upon is a very good thing. Therefore, what you should try is to build the trust of people and gain their support. It will actually help you to remain safe again certain accusations.

 ways to cope with jealousy and examine what’s at the root of your feelings

Here are some of the ways through which you can cope up with jealousy and also further examine that what is the root of your feelings.

➮ Trace it to the source

The question that we need to ask is that what actually lies at the root of this thing.

You kind of have to trace your jealousy back and need to figure out the ways to cope with it. You need to figure out to confront it.

➮ Voicing your concerns

This is indeed the best possible solution that can help you to cope up with this situation. You actually need to voice up your concerns. You have to discuss the things that are disturbing you.

➮ Talk to someone trustable

Talking to someone whom you can fully trust can also help you in order to get rid of jealousy and cope up with it.

➮ Practice gratitude

As it is said that a little gratitude can get you a long way. This is indeed perfect for you if you want to cope up with jealousy. It may be that you don’t have everything that you want but when you will practice gratitude, then it will help you to reduce your jealousy much effectively.

❣ How do you fight envy and jealousy? ❣

There are certain things that you can do in order to fight envy and jealousy. What you actually need to do is to trace the root of jealousy and remove it from there. You simply have to figure out ways by which you can overcome it. Further, by looking at the whole picture, you would be in a better position to fight jealousy and you can also talk about it to someone whom you can trust.

All of these things will actually help you to fight envy and jealousy.

🧐 Conclusions 🧐

Jealousy can no doubt lead to serious complications and can cause negativity in one’s life.

Further, the thing that you need to do is to identify such types of persons who are jealous of you or have a behavior resembling it. In this way, looking for the signs that can help you to identify a jealous person will help you to stay away from them and remain protected from them.

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Ruth Jesse

Ruth is a life coach who specialises in relationships and career development. Outside work, she loves writing novels and guides for personal development.

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