5 Dating Ideas if Your Boyfriend is A Sports Junkie
By Edita Hovhan
May 17, 2019 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Having a tough time trying to figure out active date ideas for that sports junkie in your life? These guys are tough to please in my experience. So, let’s take a quick look at some choices that will blow him away!
OK, hear me out…
Most guys love playing golf. I didn’t think I would, but I have quickly turned my opinion around. Although I am absolutely terrible, it’s a great way to try out a new skill and hopefully, get some sun at the same time.
One downside (or upside) is that it can take quite a large chunk of your day to finish a complete 18 holes. That’s unless you’re already a pro! This could present a great amount of upside as well as you get to spend quite a bit of time together when you aren’t hitting the ball.
The other downside (and unfortunately no upside) is golf can be expensive depending on the course. Hopefully, you have a course nearby that isn’t so pricey or is geared more towards beginners. Some cities even have 9-hole courses as well as reduced fees for playing when it gets a bit darker. If all that fails, there is always mini-golf!
Pub or Sports Bar
Although a bit cliché, there is no better place for your sports-loving boyfriend than a pub or sports bar playing multiple games at the same time. It’s like heaven for men. Add in some wings, nachos, burgers, and beverages, and you’ll start to climb up in rankings.
The downside of hanging out at a pub or a sports bar is that you can’t expect any touchy-feely or meaningful conversation taking place. You may even catch your guy not paying attention to you since he’s distracted by the variety of games on all of the TV screens. But you know what, you get to eat a good meal, have some drinks, and talk sports. Win-win!
You can even bring along other couples, too. The guys will do their thing while the girls can do theirs as well.
Bonus points: Find a spot that has pool tables or darts. Nothing is more fun than a little competitiveness between couples and friends.
Hockey Game
A hockey game?! Yes, you are reading correctly.
I was skeptical at first, but I had an absolute blast when I went. Although I have not seen much hockey in my lifetime, I was very impressed with how fast it was, the ease of understanding, and how physical it can get.
The nice thing about a hockey game is it only takes about one hour of playing time so with stoppages and breaks (intermissions), you are looking at about a 2-hour commitment. Plus, you can really impress him by yelling out things like “Common ref! Get some glasses!”.
One thing to note is if you are anything like me, try to get seats behind the goalie or high enough on the sides. The pucks can come up into the crowd and it sucks to have that on your mind the whole game!
Rock/Mountain climbing
How about a date idea that involves a little more exercise?
You could either walk up a mountain using pathways that have already been created or add a little more intrigue and adventure by rock climbing. Both can be quite challenging and can be used to gauge how strong your relationship is, especially when things get a bit tough.
Be prepared the next day to be sore though. I thought I was in decent shape but all of those little muscles that I never use quickly told me how angry they were when I woke up the next day.
Join a Sports League
This is more like a bunch of dates combined into one topic, but I think it still fits. One of the best summers I’ve had was playing Ultimate Frisbee. I didn’t think I’d like it since I barely knew how to throw a Frisbee going in. But by the end of the summer, I was making accurate passes and not dropping the Frisbee nearly as much.
For men, however, sports seem to bring out their inner competitiveness especially if they grew up playing team sports their entire life. It’s an extra bonus if your boyfriend hasn’t played Frisbee much, either. You’ll be learning together and can even have extra practice sessions outside of the league times!
I used to be so intimidated about the kinds of dates I could do with my sports-loving boyfriend. But really, it isn’t too bad. Maybe I’ve just been lucky but the sporty guys I’ve dated have normally been quite easy-going and really appreciate the effort I’ve put in to make them happy.
Let me know what you’ve tried!
See Also: 7 Ways To Tell That You’ve Gone From Dating To A Relationship
Edita Hovhan
Edita Hovhannisyan is a careful and precise content writer, a passionate professor for her students, and a loving mom for her three children. She holds two university degrees. Her degree in English studies at the University of Barcelona and master's degree in Teacher Training at the same University enhanced her personal and academic skills. Edita contributes articles about education and its methodologies. She is highly interested in new approaches to more effective learning and progress. Her targets are