7 Terrific Books That Can Make You Fall In Love With Math

By Hugh Beaulac
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

So, you are a student who loves reading and writing.
You write essays, reviews, and stories. It’s not a problem for you to help peers with their academic papers and you are ready to read tons of books on different topics. Wouldn’t it be great to have reading and creative writing the only subjects in school?
But here come the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:
Physics, Economics, Chemistry, and…
You wish you could fall in love with all those graphs and formulas, but merely a reference to exact sciences can set your teeth on edge. But what if I tell you that math can be exciting? More than that, it can become your favorite subject!
Just one word: read.
To be specific, read the most terrific books providing insights into the world of numbers and formulas. Once you turn to the last pages of the following books about math, you’ll never consider it boring or difficult again.
1. The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life by Jordan Ellenberg
Quote to think about:
“A basic rule of mathematical life: if the universe hands you a hard problem, try to solve an easier one instead, and hope the simple version is close enough to the original problem that the universe doesn’t object.”
Ellenberg shows how wrong you are when considering math as nothing but a dull set of rules to learn at school. Mathematics touches everything we do. It allows us to see the hidden structures underneath the chaotic surface of this world.
Armed with math, you can see the true meaning of information. This book provides insights to encourage your clear thinking about different areas of life. As the author says, doing math is like being “touched by fire and bound by reason. Logic forms a narrow channel through which intuition flows with vastly augmented force.”
2. A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar
Quote to think about:
“I’ve made the most important discovery of my life. It’s only in the mysterious equation of love that any logic or reasons can be found.”
Big chances are, you’ve watched the eponymous movie already. It is a biographical story of John Nash, one of the most brilliant mathematicians and a Nobel prize winner who suffered from schizophrenia. Despite that, he was able to elaborate on the game theory underpinning a large part of economics.
Sylvia Nasar describes John’s life, giving an interesting exposition of his mathematical ideas. His struggle with the disease and input in science deserve mentions and respect.
3. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers by Paul Hoffman
Quote to think about:
“No news is ever as good or as bad as it first seems.”
This book is a kind of the biographical story of Paul Erdős, a mathematician who lived and loved nothing but his subject. It consists of Erdo˝s quotations or paraphrases, which help readers understand his care and affection with everything related to math.
Paul Erdős loved to invent jokes, so you would definitely not be bored while reading the story about this interesting personality.
4. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
Quote to think about:
“What did God do before he created the universe?”
Don’t say you never heard of the author and the book itself!
First published in 1988, this work has become a classic of scientific writing already. Professor Hawking tells about the origins and nature of our universe as well as predicts its further development.
Wormholes, time travels, satellites, and the fabric of space – you don’t have to be as smart in physics as a whip to get the author’s ideas.
5. Journey through Genius by William Dunham
Quote to think about:
“One of the genuine attractions of number theory is that conjectures simple enough to be understood by elementary school students nonetheless have been immune to the efforts of generations of the world’s best mathematicians.”
If you don’t believe that math theorems can be creative, this book is your must-read. The author takes each theorem and places it within the historical context.
Archimedes, Gerolamo Cardano, Georg Cantor… How did math influence geniuses? How did they prove theorems, and why did they do it after all?
This work by William Dunham is a rare combination of biography, history, and math.
6. The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Quote to think about:
“Missing a train is only painful if you run after it! Likewise, not matching the idea of success others expect from you is only painful if that’s what you are seeking.”
A black swan is a highly improbable event: unpredictable, carrying a massive impact, and easy to explain once after it has happened.
According to Taleb, black swans underlie everything about the world. But why do we not acknowledge them until after they happen? For years, the author has been studying how people fool themselves.
Read his book to have a look at the black swan theory and decide whether it stands to reason.
7. Letters to a Young Mathematician by Ian Stewart
Quote to think about:
“Unless you are genuinely interested in working with someone, don’t. It doesn’t matter how big an expert they are, or how much grant money the project would bring in. Stay away from things that do not interest you.”
Ian Stewart tells what he wishes he had known when he was a student. Philosophical and practical, he described subjects, including mathematics, with reasons why it’s cool, logic with its proofs, the beauty of mathematical thinking, and many others.
Written with easygoing humor, the book is worth reading by all means.
Are you among those in love with math already? Do you choose numbers over words, and would you read some actionable guides rather than fiction stories?
Then, your choice might be the ultimate lists of books about math to learn facts on the subject and get help with math topics.
Whatever you choose, remember:
There ain’t no such thing as boring subjects. There are professors who are unable to disclose the true colors of those subjects when they’re actually much richer than just black and white.

Hugh Beaulac
Hugh Beaulac, a tech geek and blogger behind MC2.Bid4Papers.com. He works as a SMM manager and guest author who also wants to help people fall in love with STEM.