I am ambitious.
To reach my goals I need to learn to get better. And to get better, I read all the time.
I do it partly because successful people throughout the ages have been voracious readers.
Legends, like Elon Musk and Abraham Lincoln, attribute their success to reading.
So, without further ado, here are the best books to read for success.
Methods of Persuasion
Every page and every section of this book is chock-full of methods you can use on a daily basis.
The best part of Methods of Persuasion is the thoroughness of the research.
Every method is backed by scientific studies.
On top of that, Kolenda provides case-studies and real-life applications of each method.
I’ve implemented every aspect of this book in my daily life and it has paid off handsomely. I have secured a new, better-paying job, my relationship with my fiance has vastly improved and my overall communication skills have increased ten-fold.
If you don’t read this book, you’ll be left in the dust by the people who did.
Ego Is the Enemy
Most of us struggle with ego.
In fact, ego is a major obstacle in our lives. It is in mine and I work towards diminishing it every day.
This book illustrates just how much of our lives are controlled by ego and how destructive it is. Ego keeps us from paying the price of success. It keeps us from doing work that we think is “beneath us”.
Ego is an enemy and a slippery one at that.
Reading this book has made a difference in my life. It has made me more humble.
Humility has helped me delve into various tasks with a more open mind.
Open-mindedness has allowed me to learn more and in turn add more value. This has benefited my career tremendously.
Trust me.
If you want to do more, create more and achieve more, you need to diminish your ego.
Ego Is the Enemy shows you how.
Reading and re-reading this book will add tremendous value to your life.
The Score Takes Care of Itself
Bill Walsh is famous for his work as head coach of the 49’ers. He built one of the most majestic dynasties in Football history from the ruins of a franchise.
How did he do it?
By focusing on the process and on the fundamentals.
This allowed him to hone the skills of Joe Montana, Ronnie Lott, Jerry Rice and Steve
Young into the best players of their generation. Some of the best players of all time.
His consistent focus on the fundamentals as a key driver of performance is essential. Whatever your field, Walsh’s advice is valuable.
My three key takeaways from the books:
- Focus on creating a system that supports your progress.
If you do the right things the right way, the results will follow. - Keep your eye on the fundamentals instead of the score.
It doesn’t matter if people praise you at work. What matters is that you add value and get better every day. - Everything you do matters.
Some of Walsh’s tenets included no sitting on the practice field, no smoking on the facilities and always dressing in a tie and jacket.
Your representation of yourself and others matters more than you think. You represent yourself in all of your actions so everything you do matters.
The lessons in these three books will add tremendous value to your life if you implement them.
So, read the books and learn their lessons. Apply them in your life and repeat.
Do this and you will get far.