20+ Home Hacks for Cleaning or Quick Fixes
September 22, 2006 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

When you are short on cash or simply in a pinch company is about to arrive, there are tons of things that you already have at home that will help you get the job done.
This installment touches on cleaning but there are also some cool home-hacks that you can take advantage of too. These tips come from various sections of Real Simple.
- Use Eggshells to Clean Bottles & Vases
- New Uses for (New) Sponges
- Emery Board as Stain-Removing Tool
- Matchbox as Travel Sewing Kit
- Pencil Lead as Zipper Fixer
- Seam Ripper as Vacuum Brush Cleaner
- Laundry Bag as Dishwasher Item Saver
- Baking Soda as Silver Polisher
- Use Coasters to Catch Drips in Pantry
- Mesh Veggie Bag as Pot Scrubber
- Car Wax as Fixture Polish
- Use Shoe Polish on Furniture
- Panty Hose for Cleaning Candles
- Dust Lamp with Lint Roller
- Remove Pilling with a Pumice Stone
- If You’re Out of Thread, Dental Floss Works
- Sop Up Spilled Egg with Salt
- Clean Leather Shoes with Swiffer Sheets
- Hold Vacuum Cord in Place with Clothespin
- Baking Soda as Dishwashing Agent
- Deodorize Shoes with Dryer Sheets
- Remove Adhesive with Mayonnaise
- Deodorize Food Containers with Newspaper
- Remove Tar With Baby Oil
Baking Soda can do What?
Cleaning with Alka Seltzer
Image: apwbATTACK’s on Flickr