Identify One Goal: The Secret to Discovering Your Purpose

I think a lot of young people will find this post very useful if they were to apply themselves to it.
Most often, I find people wondering what their purpose in life is. And before they discover it, they try a couple of things and make some mistakes. They are the lucky ones as some people don’t even find out their life’s purpose at all. So, they end up living someone else’s life — a fake life.
But discovering your purpose is not a hard thing — at least not as hard as some say it is.
As a motivational speaker and life coach, I encounter this question a lot and most often, usually asked by young people. Not too long ago (January 2017), someone asked me that same question.
This lady was in her early thirties, a banker, had a car and living in a really nice apartment. At that point, she was living better in most standards than me. As we got talking, she asked me how someone could identify one’s purpose. I was shocked because, in my own mind, I would think she’s living her dream life. However, I contained myself and gave her an answer.
Identify one goal
What do you want to spend your life doing? What is that one thing you want to be identified with? And what is that one thing you want to be known for?
Identify that one thing you can do forever and you don’t mind doing it for free. That is the question that can point you to where your passion lies.
When you finally identify it, spend every day of your life learning about it, studying it, practicing it, and doing it. Practice until you are not afraid to do it in front of other people.
“Don’t think about money; don’t start by focusing on the money. Do it because it just makes you happy and satisfied.”
Like I don’t care if I get paid for writing or speaking, as far as there is one person who listens to me or reads what I write, I’m satisfied. That’s why on my website, I have a place to book a one-on-one time with me because I care about just you who’s reading this.
“Focus on what you love and when you are so good at it people will start paying you for it.”
Usain Bolt is a multi-millionaire for just running. Andy Murray and Maria Sharapova are worth millions of dollars for just playing tennis. Linda Ikeji is a millionaire for being a gossiper. But at first, they all started loving what they do and they were doing it whether money was involved or not.
If you want to be counted as one of the greats or one of the richest, identify that one thing you are passionate about and be the best at it. You’d be lost having fun and doing your thing that one day, you’ll just discover that you’re rich and you’re celebrated.
Emmanuel Attah
I see the absence of information as the thickest darkness anyone can experience. My name is Emmanuel and I'm a motivational Speaker & Writer out of Nigeria.