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Do You Recognize the 7 Ingredients of Maturity?

When you see someone behaving in a manner that is unbecoming, or even juvenile, do you think to yourself, “He needs to show some maturity and stop acting like that”? But what do we mean when we say someone needs to show maturity – and even more so, are we mature in our own lives?

To get a better understanding of maturity is let’s take a look at some of the qualities of maturity and see how they relate to our lives and our actions. I am curious to hear if you agree with these or if you judge maturity in an entirely different light.













After reading over this list, do you believe a person with all of these traits is indeed mature? If not, what’s missing and perhaps more importantly, do you have all of the traits?

Maturity is a trait that can change our lives in untold ways. What impression will you leave upon others?

Written by David B. Bohl of Slow Down Fast.

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