Hope Is In The Air

By Bob McInnis
July 13, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

How does one find hope? Where does hope come from?
My head? My heart? My faulty logic? Some survival strategy?
I am not sure how hope manifests but I am sure that as I observe it, it becomes infectious, viral and creative . Can I just keep my dim eyes open and wait for hope to walk across my path or am I charged with some responsibility to seek the hopeful moments, situations and individuals who are occupying my small piece of the world?
I do a bit of both — chase and wait.
When I am active in my pursuit, more hope awaits me and having more hope confirms the next incident or re-frames the situation from tragic to something better. The world offers us joy, opportunity, challenge and renewal as and when they are needed.
Accepting the gift and accepting responsibility for their stewardship is a powerful and enriching experience. Don’t let it slide by without grabbing hold. Hold tight and make the moments last. You will be better, your world would be better and the future for all of us will be better.
Unfortunately, many are watching for and pursuing despair and distrust as a shield. They see pain and look for more. They hear a lie and stop believing. They have their worldview confirmed because the object of their quest is hopelessness.
See Also: 3 Signs You’re Losing Hope
For regular readers, you know I believe we have hundreds of choices that we don’t often exercise or even consider. Choosing to seek and find hope is another choice.
My challenge for this week is to have us all find hope and chase it with passion. Are you up to joining me?
Today I see hope in the weekend parade pictures on FaceBook of my grandchildren and the conversation about the future of Canada with my mother.
Make This Week Hopeful,