Towards the end of 2015, a number of predictions about fitness trends for 2016 came out. Some of them were outdated while some ideas really grabbed our attention. Let’s not waste our time discussing the outdated suggestions but focus on what trends are expected to rule the roster for the rest of the year. The suggestions are going to be very sensible and realistic, so you can even use them as a reference to take your fitness to the next level.

Fitness Programs at Faith-Based Institutions

In recent times, we have seen religious places such as churches, temples, and mosques and other faith-based places like ashrams and synagogues showing more interest towards educating people about the right methods for health and fitness improvement through meditation, chakra dhyana and yoga.

These are places where people gather in huge numbers hoping for some peace. They are bonded by a set of common belief and values that is strongly implanted in their minds from their ancestors. Of late, many such faith-based institutions have started offering special classes which not only involves prayers and counseling but also nutrition advice and health care tips to reach a higher level of well-being.

John, a regular visitor of Sivananda Yoga Ashram in California, tells us “any individual who joins a faith-based community becomes a part of a big group of people that are looking to help each other out and create a spiritual and friendly environment. The teachings include a number of practices that are aimed at improving the health, wellness, and mental state of a person. Not just in Sivananda but even in other faith-based communities, you can see people going on a regular basis to get relief from problems such as divorce, debt, and drug addiction.”

When you do something by faith, something that you are ready to accept and follow, you automatically see the difference in your mood and actions. We do not say that faith-based communities will replace health clubs, but they will play a major role in improving the life of people in the coming years.

An Increase In Online Video-On-Demand Programs And Video Streaming Services

Stressful work conditions, frequent travelling, and other activities leave us with little or no time to attend health and fitness courses. That said, people who want to learn will keep learning, no matter how busy they are.

That is probably one reason why we see fitness enthusiasts looking up the Internet for self-help videos to learn various ways on how they can improve their physical and mental well-being.

Videos are interactive and fun to watch and learn from. In future, we continue to see a rapid increase in online video-on-demand programs and video streaming services that are dominated by how-to and tips-based demonstrations by instructors.

See Also: 14 Top Fitness Apps to Get You in Shape 

Wearable Technology

wearable technology

There is no doubt about the fact that technology has become an integral part of people’s life. The concept of wearable technology has grown tremendously over the past couple of years, and there are predictions stating that it grow into a $30 billion market by 2020.

Wearable technology refers to using gadgets to track a range of activities that influence the health and fitness condition of a person. From heart rate monitors to activity trackers and smart wristbands, there are tons of gadgets that help keep track of a person’s fitness activities.

You can use fitness gadgets to track how many calories you burnt while climbing the stairs, how many hours you slept, what your heart rate is when you’re stressed out, and more. Fitness equipment come with round the clock monitoring facilities, and people are finding their use very convenient in maintaining or improving their health condition.

Group Fitness Sessions For Better Results

group fitness sessions

The usual scene is that there is always a group of people that hit the gym and practice weight-training and there is another group going outdoors for activities like jogging, cycling, and swimming. However, that is expected to change in the coming months.

Considering people’s demand for coach-led training sessions for more fun and motivation during training sessions, we believe health clubs and fitness studios will introduce group fitness sessions segregating training programs into different formats ranging from short to medium to lengthy in order to meet the demands of people in basic, intermediate, and advanced categories.

In other words, we could see instructors include cardio and weights in every session so the user gets the best of both worlds.

Health Coaching For Fitness Instructors

Usually when you walk into the gym, there is always an instructor who is highly knowledgeable and skilled about workout routines and use of equipment. You will get all the advice you need on how to go from a skinny fellow to a professional bodybuilder. However, not all of them are great health experts. The gym is not where you get the best health advice.

But, this 2016 or someone down the line, we could see fitness experts work with health experts and gain equal knowledge and awareness about the right diet and nutrition and health factors to help their students get better results from their workouts. It’s the combination of the best health and fitness advice that can guide a student to experience overall development of his/her physical and mental well-being.

See Also: Breaking the Fast: What I Have Learned Using Intermittent Fasting

So, which trend do you bet on? What is your outlook on fitness trends for 2016? Please comment your answers below and we’ll pick up from there.