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Get Prepared to Streamline Your Life

Before I learned to slow down fast, this was my life.

As a business owner, I’ve learned about several effective tools needed to run an efficient business. I utilize systems, strategies, and support, to keep my business running smoothly and profitably. And I’ve seen how if I apply some of these same tools to my personal life, I can streamline it as well.

So whether you have your own business, work for a company, or run a household, if you manage your life like a business, I can guarantee you’ll be surprised at the results. Here are some tips taken from my experience that can be valuable for streamlining your life:

    1. Keep a calendar
      I’m amazed at how many people don’t keep calendars. You know the ones–they’re always late for appointments! And when you ask them how they remember anything without a calendar, they say, “Oh, I have a great memory.” Whether you use an old fashioned paper calendar you write in, or you use a computer based one like Outlook or Google, or you use a high-tech hand-held piece of equipment, you must calendar your life if you want to keep it streamlined.;et
    2. goals


If you’d like to get more tips on how to streamline your life, check out Streamlining Your Life: A 5-Point Plan for Uncomplicated Living.

Written on 12/04/2008 by David Bohl. David shares the viral message Slow Down FAST and helps people raise the roof on all facets of their lives without risking implosion. Get some must-haves here. Photo Credit: notsogood
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