Here’s How You Can Successfully Change To A Work-From-Home Career
By Tyler Read
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Most companies have transitioned to remote work because of the pandemic. Employees embraced this move. However, the excitement was short-lived because working from home may seem fun, but it is not as simple as most people thought it would be.
Truth be told, working from home is challenging. It’s difficult to be productive when the television is staring at you, snacks are within reach, and family members are consistently hovering around your work station. You need more than willpower to reach your daily goals.
So, how do you transition smoothly into remote work and ensure maximum productivity? Well, that’s the mystery I would love to unravel in seven steps.
Step 1: Choose Your Work Space
When you are working from home, you may be tempted to curl up and work from your favorite couch. Other times working from your bed may seem like the lifetime opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Trust me, these places are cozy and will give you the comfort you crave, but they are not ideal for office work.
It is important to create a designated working space, which isn’t the kitchen table or dining area. If you have a secluded corner in your living room or an extra room, you can set up your home office. Invest in a comfortable chair and a table. Imitating an office setup helps you rise to the occasion.
Make the space as comfortable and welcoming as possible. You want an environment you can warm up and enjoy. A comfortable space boosts your mood and enhances your productivity.
Step 2: Establish an Exercise Routine
When you are working in the office, your morning routine prepares your body and brain for work. While working from home, the schedule is different. You don’t have the privilege to do a simple exercise like walking to your car. In fact, you can end up indoors the whole day.
Thus, it is important to workout every morning before work to clear your mind and reinvigorate your body. You can go for a jog, skip rope, or find a workout routine on YouTube. Online CPT can be a sound option if you want to take your training to the next level.
Exercise fires up your energy, improves your mood, and keeps you motivated. It helps with physical and mental health. It’s a perfect way to start your day.
Step 3: Dress the Part
What makes working from home enticing is the fact you can wear absolutely anything. Right? I don’t think so. That’s the fantasy we all have when we hear working from home. However, to be productive, you need to dress up for your job just like you would when going to the office.
Dressing up prepares you for work. It changes your attitude and supercharges you for the tasks ahead. Looking professional while at home sends a message to everyone that it’s time for business. Do not distract.
Step 4: Stick to Office Working Hours
Given the distraction you may experience while working from home, it is important to have a specific start time and finish time. Your working hours should correspond to the office working hours. Create a work schedule that outlines your daily tasks. Stick to this daily routine to avoid procrastination and forgetting some tasks.
Plan all the tasks beforehand, such that you know exactly what to do when you sit on your desk. Focus on tackling demanding work when you are most productive. Relegate returning your calls and responding to emails to the afternoon.
Ensure you incorporate breaks in between work to relax your muscles and re-energize. It is also important to have a specific time to eat as you may get too absorbed into work and miss meals.
Step 5: Minimize Distraction
This is the greatest challenge when working from home. The key is knowing what distracts you the most and coming up with measures to minimize it.
Social media is the main culprit. Disable your social media accounts when you are working. Make sure your phone is off or on silent. Otherwise, you’ll have unnecessary social breaks that reduce your concentration and, ultimately, your productivity.
Your pets, kids, and the TV can hinder you from reaching your daily goals. A separate room with a door can help you work with minimal disturbance.
Another culprit is the fridge. Have regular eating hours to avoid the random bites every time you step out of your office to freshen up.
Step 6: Commit to Specific Goals
Now, having a schedule is one thing, but committing to accomplish your goals is another. Unlike working in the office, where your supervisor may monitor your work, here you are your own boss; though your manager might check on you occasionally.
Some tasks may take longer than expected, but you must strive to have a concrete list of accomplished tasks at the end of the day. So, overestimate the duration it takes to accomplish your tasks.
Create your reminders and events in google calendar or your preferred app. This way, you’ll get notifications when it’s time to tackle the next task.
Step 7: Leverage Technology
Working from home can make you feel like you are separated from your team. The simplest way to break this physical barrier is by using technology. When working on team projects, Google Docs makes it easier for each team member to edit and comment on documents.
You can manage and prioritize your tasks using project management applications such as Trello. Have team discussions on Slack, where you can give instant feedback. Modern technology has made it easier to conduct office meetings and to connect with colleagues in real-time.
Bonus Tip
Transition to working from home needs commitment and motivation. You can easily adjust to the home atmosphere when you have a strategy in place. Your productivity shouldn’t change because you are working in the house. The comfort of being close to your family should push you to reach your potential. Remember to take care of yourself to maintain your productivity continuously. Lastly, take time to go out and interact with other people.
Tyler Read
Tyler Read is the owner of which is a website dedicated to helping people get started in the personal training industry. He helps people discover, study, and pass their fitness exams. Check out his free videos for the latest trends.