Creating Great Habits Through Self-Improvement
By Martina Sanchez
December 12, 2018 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

When you realize you’re not happy in the situation you find yourself in, it’s time to take action. If you’re unsure about where to start and how to make that change, there are two options you can take: a sudden, dramatic overhaul of your life or gradual change that leads to a permanent improvement.
While the former might offer a short-term hit, the latter is where you need to go for longer-term gains and where you will find the most improvement.
Below, take a look at some of the most effective habits to improve yourself:
Be The Early Bird
It’s easier said than done if you’re a night owl but it’s true. The early bird really does catch the worm.
Getting up even an hour earlier will make your day a lot productive. Whether you spend that hour working, meditating or exercising, it will be an hour that sets your day up. Incorporating this great habit into your daily life will lead to self-improvement in your mind, body, and soul.
Be disciplined, set an alarm, and get into the habit of getting up over several days.
Bite Size Goals
You may feel frustrated at your lack of progress in your job or how your dead-end relationship is panning out. However, making a drastic change may not be the answer.
To improve your situation and set up the right habits, you need to consider your goals.
Get Into The Sleep Habit
Such a basic but necessary habit.
Think of all the benefits you take on board by getting sustained, deep sleep. Your brain function improves, your physical and mental well-being is enhanced and you generally feel more capable and ready for action.
Consider you in your sleep-deprived state — always dozing off, finding it hard to concentrate, and feeling strung out. Getting good sleeping habits will lead to huge improvements in your day-to-day life.
Start by setting your own bedtime routine. Make sure all screens are off at least an hour before bedtime. Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary for sleep with a cool, dark, quiet environment. There should be no distractions, such as phones or television.
If you find your room is too light, consider blackout linings on curtains. If your environment is too noisy, then think about investing in earplugs.
Stay Reading
Making reading a habit can seriously change your life for the better. Reading books and magazines takes us away from the phone screen and transports us into a world of pure imagination and fantasy. It gives our weary brains a break from dealing with social media and business, allowing us to tap into areas that often lie dormant.
For personal growth, try and read things that you wouldn’t usually pick up, such as a historical novel or self-improvement book. Open your mind to new experiences and knowledge and this reading habit will quickly lead to a new, improved you.
Practice Meditation
A habit that has tangible improvements, quickly.
Physically, meditating helps by improving blood circulation and bringing oxygen into the body more efficiently. You might also find that it lowers your blood pressure and gives you an enormous sense of calmness.
Mentally, a meditation practice like mindfulness, for example, will help to calm your thoughts and fight against stress and anxiety.
In many ways, it doesn’t matter which kind of meditation practice you follow as long as it’s one that is sustainable and can be incorporated into a daily routine with little or no extra stress.
Evaluate progress
Taking time to step back and seeing how far you’ve come is an invaluable part of any self-improving habit.
You’ll be amazed and encouraged at how much closer you are to achieving your life goals. It’s worth taking the time to regularly check in with yourself.
Don’t Waste Time
Procrastination is the thief of time and will rob you of forming life-changing habits that can lead to a better you.
Instead of spending hours in front of the TV or your computer, you need to concentrate on your goals. Allowing yourself a set time every day to check out screens will help, but only if you have the discipline to follow it through.
The real key to success in this area is two-fold: to make it a habit and to replace those wasted hours with tasks that are fulfilling and useful.
Changing your life for the better is not an easy task and requires great discipline and sacrifice. However, this change is not impossible.
Write down your goals and dreams and believe in your vision. Take time to plot how you will get there and set about incorporating new habits into your life that can help meet these self-improvement objectives.
Don’t be distracted by unimportant things that will stop you from your dreams. Avoid being your own worst enemy by letting poor discipline let you down.
Instead, grasp the nettle and work towards a better, more fulfilled you. Start creating healthy habits that’ll make you even better than before.
See Also: 10 Simple Self Improvement Hacks
Martina Sanchez
An entrepreneur and content marketing specialist, Martina Sanchez works at Lucky Assignments. She spends her working life writing articles and creating her own blogs which is packed full of tips and tricks for SEO friendly, digital marketing.