5 Tips To Change Career After The Pandemic
By George Relish
July 1, 2021 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

We have all felt the impact of the pandemic globally. It significantly shifted the landscape of the workforce. Most of us transitioned to remote working. Big companies have gone through massive layoffs. You’re probably wondering what your next step is. Whether you’re looking for online business opportunities or to overcome financial challenges, we’re here to help you out with the following tips:
1. Change Your Perspective
Change can be overwhelming, especially something as big as a career shift after a pandemic. Take a deep breath. You’re not going through this alone. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, their recent surveys show that there are high rates of hardship in the U.S.. In the U.K., 70% of their workers are considering a career change as a result of the pandemic.
You now have two choices. You can either dwell on the negative effects of this pandemic or view the crisis as an opportunity for change. After all, the pandemic hastened the eventual digitization of everything, from education to employment. It has made a lot of business processes and services more convenient. Launching a startup became significantly more accessible than ever before.
2. Boost Your Skills
Ready for the change? Great. The next question is, what kind of change is appropriate for your expertise. Can any of your skills be digitized? Keep in mind that the pandemic also made the competition stiffer. It’s not enough to be “enough” anymore. You need to excel. Fortunately, the online world also made education and training more convenient and accessible.
Employment vs. Self-Employment
Another aspect that you should consider in relation to your skills is whether you’re going to pursue employment further or not. Can’t find a company that needs your unique skill set? Then maybe it’s time you consider paving your own path.
Employment is typically a great option for people who have mastered a certain skill. Meanwhile, self-employment suits people who have a collection of skills, even with no particular mastery. This also means that expanding your skillset is a requirement for any post-pandemic business owner even if you already have expertise in one craft.
Actionable Step: Make two lists: one for all the skills you already have and another for all the skills you need for your prospective new career but lack. Then, mark all the skills that you still need to improve on from the first list. These marked items and everything on your second list is your skills gaps. Create an action plan to resolve your skills gaps in the immediate future.
3. Research, Research, Research
Building your own unique niche and attaining immediate and long-term success from it is a very challenging pursuit. If you want a relatively easier transition, then you might want to look into the current demand in the workforce.
Take time to research the most compatible options for you using your skills and skills’ gaps lists as reference.
In the meantime, here are some of the roles with the fastest-growing demand this year:
- Fulfillment Associate
- Big Data Developer
- Software Engineer
- Translation Specialist
- Medical Professional
Note that most of the roles in the list have a direct connection to the massive digitization currently happening across industries. Big data development and software development are a given. Demand for fulfillment associates rose along with the boost in eCommerce. Finally, translation specialists make the internet more accessible across cultures.
4. Ready Yourself For Virtual Interviews
Going through a physical interview is already nerve-wracking as it is. Creating a lasting impression and allowing your personality to shine in a video interview is an entirely different ballgame.
Here are some tips to boost your virtual interview success:
- Find the ideal location. It must be a quiet spot in your home where you are less likely to be distracted or disturbed, especially by kids and pets.
- Create a professional backdrop. You don’t have to invest in a green screen, nor a custom set. A bookshelf is great, and thus, a popular option. At the very least, a plain white wall will do.
- Dress professionally. Resist the temptation to conduct your interview wearing an elegant blouse or button-down and wearing pajama bottoms. Always dress appropriately.
- Practice. Lastly, it’s always ideal to practice with a friend or family member before an interview to refine your online communication skills further. It can be easy for a virtual interview to feel less formal than a physical meeting, even if it’s not. Don’t let this underestimation be your pitfall.
5. Upgrade Your Tech
Finally, you need to make sure that your technology game meets the minimum requirements that your career choice requires, especially if you plan on doing it remotely. A computer and network connection are a given. However, you might also need a web camera, a decent microphone (there are web cameras with built-in mics), a tripod (if you’re going to use your phone as a camera), and some lighting. These are the absolute basics.
Your chosen field can require further equipment depending on the specifics of the job.
Final Thoughts
Prepare yourself. The road ahead is not going to be easy. Sadly, there are a lot of organizations that are hesitant to hire in these uncertain times. Hence, it can take a while to find the right fit. But with patience, perseverance, and by keeping the tips we’ve shared with you in mind, we are confident that you will make the right career move for you. Good luck!
George Relish
George Relish is the Editorial Director at Quidable. Before starting his work at Quidable, he was a bank auditor for more than 5 years. He is passionate about reading science fiction, traveling, and football.