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How To Overcome Burnout And Stay Motivated

Even if you love your job, it’s normal to feel burned out from time to time. Statistics show that almost two-thirds of employees deal with burnout once in a while.

Even if you’re working from home (which is the setup of most people during the pandemic), you’re still not exempt from stress and exhaustion. In fact, 40% of those who reported feeling burned out experienced it during the pandemic specifically.


But just because it’s “part of life” doesn’t mean you just have to let it linger.

There are several ways to cope with work-related burnout and stay motivated.

Here’s how.

Find The Source

Just like a health condition, if you only keep on treating the symptoms, you’re not going to recover.

It takes determining the root cause of the problem so you will have a clear treatment plan – one that specifically targets your illness.

Job burnout can be caused by different things. Among the most common reasons are:

Set Boundaries

Establishing healthy boundaries at work can greatly keep you from experiencing job burnout.

Yes, saying “no” to your co-workers, especially your superiors, is hard. But sometimes, you have to. Ideally, you want to establish your boundaries by the time you start working for a company by giving them clear expectations during the interview.

But if you haven’t done that, it’s fine. Start as soon as you can. For example, do you work on weekends? Do you check your email beyond office hours or when you’re on vacation? Know what works for you to stay productive and avoid burnout. Then, let them know.

Rearrange Your Working Environment

how do you overcome burnout by rearranging work environment

Sometimes, it’s not the people who are toxic. It could be your environment!

Many studies suggest that our physical environment impacts our mental health. That is why many companies these days are investing in designing office interiors that look less of a traditional office but more like a cozy, inviting coffee shop.

Here’s how you can rearrange your working environment to boost your mood and fight burnout:

Improve Your Time Management Skills

Most often, burnout is the result of poor time management.

Imagine spending more time on less stimulating tasks, getting distracted with emails and social media, and spending more time on activities that would have rather taken less time to complete.

Learning time management skills is one of the best things you can do to become more productive and fight stress and burnout.

Here are some tips that help you take control of your time at work:

Create Healthily Routines

A healthy body is a healthy mind.

Establishing healthy routines is equally important to the other tips mentioned above. When you’re not physically healthy, your mental state is affected.

So sleep well, eat healthy, work out, practice mindfulness through yoga and meditation, etc. All these habits incredibly boost your mood and help you ward off symptoms of fatigue, stress, and burnout.

Easier said than done, right? Well, it is. Note that it takes a few weeks to establish a habit. The first few days might be the hardest. But once you get into the tune, everything becomes smooth and easy.

Overcoming job burnout can be done in many ways. By applying these tips, you will feel a lot more energetic, motivated, and most of all – happier at work!

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