How Great Speakers Connect With Their Audience

By Craig Childs

October 22, 2007   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Truly great public speakers are somewhat few and far between, no matter what profession you are in. So what makes them so different?

Penelope Trunk focuses on 5 areas where great speakers excel, and how you can work on them yourself.

Look deeply at individuals in the audience
Get out the whole idea before you let your eyes move to the next person.
This is a way to know for sure if you are connecting with your audience when you talk. Sticking with one person for each point is painful and nearly impossible if you are not truly connecting your material to that person.

These are universal tips for speaking to a large group of people, not just for presentations with visual or audio cues. What are a few tips you’d suggest?

5 ways great speakers connect with their audience – [BrazenCareerist]

Craig Childs

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