4 Really Simple Yet Highly Effective Ways To Achieving A Goal
By Oyetunde Oni
July 16, 2018 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Setting a goal is one thing that we must all consider in life. Whether you are a professional, a service provider, a student or an entrepreneur, you need to be able to set clearly defined goals. It encourages you to pursue and work harder.
But what exactly is a goal?
A goal is something you intend to achieve at all cost. It could be to increase sales, boost income or to reduce weight. Whatever that may be, you need to know exactly how to achieve your goals and dreams.
The tips below can help you get started:
Clarify your goal
Before you can achieve your goal, you need to be clear about it.
For one, goals are different from mere wishes. Wishing to get more money isn’t a goal as it is just a wish. It will only become a goal when you are definite about the amount you want to make.
For you to get more money, you must ask yourself questions such as these:
- How much do I want to make?
- What can I do to increase my financial base?
For instance, I may have to work extra hours to add to my income or I may need other streams of income to increase my earnings.
I know of a young man who works in an agricultural research institute. Although he has a monthly income from his job, he still anchors events during the weekends. Aside from the monthly salary he gets, he also makes money during weekends. This is an example of how a person can increase earnings.
You must write down your goals
Most people don’t write down their goals. They only rely on their mind to focus on what they want to achieve. Unfortunately, that isn’t a good idea.
When we write down our goals, it becomes easier for us to know exactly what we are aiming for. Clearly written goals can help you to ponder and reflect on what you need to do or work on.
Every time you see the goals you have stated out to pursue, your subconscious mind instantly generate ideas on how to forge ahead and make them a reality. Written goals can encourage you to control the direction of your life.
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Constantly evaluate your goal
This is a critical aspect of goal setting. A man does not put yam on fire and immediately go to sleep. He must constantly check it. Otherwise, it will burn. The same applies to goal setting.
You must constantly review your goals. You can check it on a bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. This will help you determine whether you need to change your strategies or continue with what you are doing.
See Also: 4 Powerful Ways To Stay Motivated And Reach Your Goals Through Tough Times
Set a deadline
Whenever you are pursuing a goal, also set a deadline for it. Setting a deadline puts you on your toes and drive you to work extremely hard to hit the target. When you don’t set a time frame for yourself, you’ll find it hard to focus and feel motivated.
Knowing how to achieve your goals and dreams isn’t that hard. In fact, just by following these tips, you should be able to work on your goals and conquer the challenges you’ll encounter along the way.
Oyetunde Oni
Oyetunde Oni is a graduate of Mass Communication and Journalism. He is from Oyo state-South Western Nigeria. He is a Christian and a believer in the WORD of God.