How to be a Good Husband to Make Your Life a Bed of Roses
By Junaid Raza
October 20, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Every woman dreams of a life with a perfect husband who will sweep her off her feet into a magical world of love and romance. She fantasizes an ideal husband who will be both ideal life partner and best friend.
To be truthful, it is not only difficult but impossible to find a man possessing all the qualities a wife wishes for. But if a husband makes an effort, he can go a long way in improving his relationship with his wife and live more peacefully and happily as a result.
Here’s the things you need on how to be a good husband.
Trust & understanding
Trust is the main quality on which all relationships are based. A good husband needs to trust his wife immensely to make their bond stronger.
In fact, both the husband and wife need to be understanding and truthful to each other if they want to make their relationship into a bed of roses. Should any misunderstanding arise, each one should try communicate with the other while setting ego aside.
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Always be faithful to your wife
Faithfulness is the biggest factor in a relationship. Being faithful to each other will help to make your relationship a happy and a long lasting one.
This does not mean that a husband is not allowed to mingle with other women, but he should neither lie nor cheat on his wife. A wife should be at ease and not suspect the worst when her husband goes for a night out with his friends.
Dependable and supportive
A good husband should support his wife in good times as well as bad, guiding and supporting her decisions whether personal or professional. She should also be able to depend on her husband whenever she requires help whether it is just grocery shopping or planning a big event together.
Possess a good sense of humor
A man with a good sense of humor is definitely a great asset making his wife laugh all the time and keeping their relationship fresh and healthy. Sharing jokes and having a good laugh with your better half is great fun and will help to add some spark to your daily life.
Pamper and spend time with your wife
Women love to be pampered so a husband who pampers his wife can never go wrong. Besides remembering birthdays and anniversaries and giving gifts, small gestures like bringing flowers for her occasionally, writing love notes, singing songs and dancing with her to her favorite tunes can all bring a smile to her face.
All these actions will make her realize how thoughtful you are. It might even make her fall for you all over again.
Taking an interest in her hobbies is also a good idea. You can do gardening, or do early morning walks together. These little things mean a lot to women and gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of being loved. Even little things such as helping with the house work will score you big points as she can appreciate how you make an effort to take some load off her shoulders.
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Be respectful and be a man of principle
All women like their husbands to be sweet, endearing and chivalrous. Opening doors for her, pulling out a chair, or taking her out for a date are things all wives appreciate and love.
Being respectful, however independent she might be, is an act of understanding. Keeping your promises, coming on time, or picking up the kids from school are excellent ways to show your respect for her time.
Another way to respect her is to actually listen to what she has to say instead of pretending to do so. There will be times when she needs a listening ear or a shoulder she can lean on so be there for her.
Never raise your voice
A good husband will never raise his voice or physically abuse his wife however bad the circumstances may be. Always keep your cool and reason out with your wife and never let emotions get the better of you.
All of the above go both ways for both husband and wife. However, some men may focus solely on work or on other things outside of the family. If you want a happy and peaceful family life, learn how to be a good husband and see how your life becomes easier henceforth.
Junaid Raza
Junaid Raza contributes on Constructive portal. He loves to write about improving relationships, women empowerment and making money.