5 Tips To Build Your Team’s Productivity

By Nisha Baghadia

January 10, 2024   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

how to boost your teams productivity

When it comes to managing a team, whether in a corporate setting or as part of your business, productivity is one of the most important parameters of success. It’s also something that we all want, although it’s a little tricky to figure out how to get there.

Building your team’s productivity should be a priority for you as a manager, mainly because when productivity goes up, it implies that your business is functioning at optimal efficiency. Here we’re going to talk about a few tips and hacks that you must consider adding to your arsenal for boosting productivity among your employees. Let’s take a look at what these are.

Sense Of Ownership

As a good leader, it is imperative to understand the value of ownership. Ownership is all about allowing your team members to take their decisions and be accountable for the same. This inculcates a sense of responsibility in them towards their job.

It changes their outlook towards the task at hand and ensures that their decisions positively impact the performance of the whole team. You can give ownership in different ways – by asking someone to lead a particular project, handling more responsibilities, etc. It builds their self-esteem as they feel assured that you trust their capabilities.

Open Communication

boosting your teams productivity

Encouraging open avenues of communication between your team members and yourself is something you must ensure from the outset. It makes businesses thrive and fosters healthy dynamics in the workplace. In the absence of communication, there arise unwanted and completely avoidable misunderstandings and trivial errors that waste time, effort, and money.

Instead, if you can take the extra step to articulate and convey your ideas and expectations effectively, it makes matters easier for everyone on board. Sometimes a team member may shy away from clarifying doubts and asking questions during team meetings. As a team leader, you should sense this and try facilitating better communication in other ways, such as through private conversations and one-on-one interactions.


If your team members gel together and get along well with each other, they’re sure to be happier. It goes without saying that their performance will also be better in such cases. Encouraging collaboration among team members can help you maximize your team’s productivity.

No matter how large or small your team is, there is sure to be a fair amount of diversity in terms of the skills that each team member brings to the table. The best way to utilize these varying skills is by making sure the entire team knows about current projects. It will encourage them to volunteer to collaborate if they feel they can add value to a specific task.

Constructive Feedback

An ideal way to help your employees grow personally and professionally is by providing them with feedback about their performance. It should be your aim to guide your team members to figure out what they can do to keep growing in their careers. If there’s room for improvement, share constructive feedback that shows them how to be more successful at what they are doing.

You can hold regular touch-base meetings to monitor progress and advise the team members on their performance. These meetings can also be an opportunity for the team members to voice their professional concerns to you. Giving feedback may make you feel uncomfortable, but it plays an essential part in your team/company’s success.

Healthy Boundaries

boost your teams productivity

The last thing you want to do as a good team leader is to overwork your employees or cause burnout. Use your position to set healthy boundaries that encourage a harmonious work-life balance. Team leaders and managers can set precedents like not checking emails after working hours. It signals to the team the importance of switching off from work and keeps them motivated for the next day.

It might be tricky to manage this in an environment where flexible work hours prevail, and people start early or work late, depending on their preferences. But if you, as a team leader, can encourage them to set healthy work limits, prioritise their sleep, and avoid burnout, it will lead to better productivity and more success in the long run.

Leading a team isn’t the most straightforward job in the world, which is why great leaders are few and so revered. A good leader understands the techniques, as well as the significance of boosting productivity in the workplace. They value skills like time management, collaboration, and organisation. They also display keen insight into delivering what is asked.

These skills trickle down to the respective team members and make them more efficient at their tasks. A well-supported team is always motivated to bring their best to the table every day, making things smoother for everyone involved. Use the tips mentioned above and see your team achieve better levels of productivity than ever before!

Nisha Baghadia

Nisha is passionate about writing and loves to share her thoughts with the world. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies and beauty. She keeps herself updated by going through interesting blogs every day. This fuels her passion and motivates her to write appealing and engaging articles. She's a regular contributor to StyleCraze.com and a few others.

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