Replacing Windows? Demand The Best Service
By Jay Lillien
July 26, 2018 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Knowing how to choose replacement windows and who should do it in your Colorado home can be a daunting task.
To start with, you have to figure out what kind of windows will work best for you and since you’re an expert in something other than windows, this can be a chore all by itself. You’ll get quotes from different replacement window firms, and each might come back with a different recommendation.
Wood? Aluminum?
And is the company recommending these windows because they’re really the best choice for you or is there some other motivation for the recommendation? Might they be recommending the windows for which they will get the highest markup, for instance?
(Here’s a hint: In Colorado, you want locally-made vinyl windows built and designed with our unique Rocky Mountain climate and altitude in mind.)
Then, there’s price to consider.
One homeowner recently received quotes from three replacement window installers – including a well-known “big box” retailer whose name you’d instantly recognize – and was shocked to see that the costs ran from “x” to “2x!”
How can one firm charge twice as much as another for the same job?
Another hint: Don’t pay 2x! The lowest bid isn’t always the best overall deal.
So, suppose you find two or three firms who come back with comparable bids and recommendations for high-quality vinyl replacement window installation. How do you choose among them?
Ask about service.
The best firms hold themselves to the highest standards of service quality. Go with the firm you think really aims to delight their customers.
Time Is Money
If you call a replacement window company and they tell you they can have someone out to give you an estimate sometime between Thursday and April, that will tell you something about their service.
Maybe that example is a bit of an exaggeration but if the company doesn’t handle your job in a timely manner, it does say a lot about how much they value their customers.
Every business gets busy. A professional window installer’s time is valuable and so is your time.
You can sometimes tell, early in the process, whether a firm holds itself to a high service standard simply by evaluating how long it takes them to respond to your request for an estimate.
If the firm sends someone out to look at your job right away (within a few hours, or a couple of days, at most) and if the person who shows up is efficient, knowledgeable, and professional, that also sends you a message.
They care about their service levels. They care about you.
Cleanliness Is Good, Too
Say you have to choose between two firms who sent a prompt professional to estimate your job. You’ll ask each of them when they could start the work and how long the job will take.
Some jobs can be completed in a day. Others are completed over a period of two days or more.
If your job is one that will take more than a day, ask the installation firms what you can expect at the end of each shift. If they’re surprised by the question, that’s part of your answer!
The best firms not only anticipate the question but they have a procedure in place to keep things neat and tidy while they’re away from your property.
To the installation firm, maybe it’s a “job site” but the best firms think of it more as your home or place of business. And they have systems in place to ensure that they treat the place accordingly.
It’s About Respect
Look at the testimonials and online reviews for the replacement window companies you’re considering. You’ll probably be able to tell a lot about the level of respect each firm has for its customers.
The best firms have glowing reviews from happy customers who received great products at a great price and excellent service as well.
The installers are friendly and courteous. The “job site” is kept clean and tidy during and after each shift. And the company do what they promise to do.
And if some tricky problem comes up during the installation, the firm should be able to handle it like a professional.
More than one company will say they want your replacement-window business. But if you ask a couple of questions and check out some online reviews, you’ll be able to tell which firms really do value you. They’re the ones who hold themselves to high standards of customer service.
Jay Lillien
It's as easy as ABC...Always Buy Colorado! Vinyl Replacement Windows that last a lifetime.