Tips to Creating an Effective Study Space

By Damien Senanayakea
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Are you not able to study at home due to a lot of distractions around?
Are you not able to focus just because of those uncomfortable sofas or less leg space? Or you are turned off by a cluttered study desk?
Well, you are not alone. Most students are troubled by the settings or environment at home as soon as they open their books.
Your focus does matter to make your study efficient. If you are bothered by those cluttered desks, frequent distractions, and noises, you cannot study well. To be able to concentrate on your studies is crucial especially before your important tests.
And studying well at home is even important if you have opted for online courses.
But that doesn’t mean all these troubles are obvious. Luckily, you can create a great study spot in your home. All you need to do is bring some changes.
Here’s how…
Create a Quiet and Distraction Free Study Spot
First of all, choose a place away from distractions like traffic and noise. It is not easy to study in a room filled with all kinds of potential interruptions.
One study room might not be suitable for everyone due to different preferences. Some might like the room with light background music. Some might want it to be completely calm. Some might look for a small space like a cubicle. Whatever you want, make sure the space is free from distractions.
But not everyone has the luxury of a study room or an extra room at home.
So, you can study in your bedroom. You can also opt to create a space in the attic, basement or garage.
Make it Comfortable
It is challenging to study for extended hours at a time at an uncomfortable space. That’s why you need to find a comfortable place to avoid getting any back, wrist or other physical discomforts while you study. In fact, small discomforts can lead to critical health problems.
Choose a desk that comes up to between the ribcage and the waist when you sit at it and a chair that can be adjusted to the height of the desk. The chair should allow you to have your feet on the floor and not make you stoop your shoulders over your books or laptop.
If you are not comfortable with a desk or table, you can choose a comfy couch instead. Lap desk can also be useful.
The screen contrast should be comfortable to look at. A small desk lamp can be used to light your study area while a larger lamp or overhead light can be used for the rest of the space. Keep it well ventilated.
Keep it Well Organized
Imagine this scenario…
A cluttered study desk with the scattered mess of paper, books, pens, and other supplies around. To make it worse, there is also a huge pile of cups and snack wrappers. Would you like to study in such a space?
Most people certainly wouldn’t. It’s simple: A clean and well-organized space encourages you to study.
To achieve this, you can install some small shelves to store your books and other supplies. You can also keep your pens, pencils, and markers in the jar.
Clean your room at least once a week to maintain the neatness of your space.
Remove All Distractions
Even a clean and well-organized study room won’t help you as long as there are distractions around.
Will you be able to focus on your studies with your phone constantly ringing? Or, there might be a PlayStation in the room that tempts you to take a break from studying.
According to one study, clutter can affect your concentration.
Place your smartphone far away from you so that you can’t be distracted by constant notifications and calls. There should be no TV and gaming consoles in the room. Ask people to give you privacy to study for some hours.
However, sometimes distractions strike you in waves. The temptation to watch TV and check your phone suddenly can be hard to resist. However, those urges are short-lived if you can resist them from the get-go. Here’s how to deal with those waves—close your eyes, take a deep breath for two seconds, and exhale it for also two seconds. If the urge still hits you, repeat it until you overcome it.
Make Your Study Space Look Nice
Not only should your study room be comfortable, but it should also be nice. Simply put, you need to create a space that you feel good being in. This will boost your motivation to study.
There are many ways to make your study space pleasant.
- Candles and essential oil diffusers can scent up your space. Aesthetic lighting can create a great ambience in the room.
- Many types of music can improve your focus, such as Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart.
- Light plain shades are soothing, or you can add wallpaper to the study room for better ambiance.
However, don’t go overboard with decoration as it might lead to clutter and distractions.
Set a Schedule for Study
Frankly speaking, you need to create a strict study schedule to study efficiently. A study schedule lets you concentrate, as well as helps you determine how much longer you need to study. However, the schedule should be realistic and make sure you can stick to it.
However, studying for long hours can be exhausting and stressful. Therefore, make sure to take breaks. For example, you can study for 25 minutes, then go for a 5-10 minute break, then resume again for 25 minutes. You come back to study with a refreshed mind after taking breaks.
See Also: What Is The Best Time To Study According To Your Peak Mental Productivity?
Bottom Line
Your study space plays an important role in your efficiency. It is not easy to study in a room that has a lot of distractions and is not comfortable as well. Therefore, you need to create some dedicated study spot where you can do some serious work. Having the ultimate focus can help you understand things better. This is especially true for online courses that require you to be more dedicated and focused. Overall, the benefits of getting your study space neat and organized are worth it.
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Damien Senanayakea
I am Damien Senanayakea, founder of CareerProgress. As a lifelong digital marketing professional, I believe in equality and greater access to education.