Important Tips On How To Find A New Doctor
By Isabella Rossellin
January 26, 2017 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Do you need to change and find a new doctor?
The need to find a new doctor may arise from various situations, including moving to a new location or looking for a specialist. Patients may also be dissatisfied with how their current physicians handle them or provide treatment.
Regardless of what your reason may be for finding another doctor, you need to do your research and have enough time to choose the right doctor for your health-based needs.
Reasons for Changing Doctors
Looking for a doctor and leaving the one that you currently have is an important decision. If your physician is relocating or has not performed according to your expectations, the desire for change is understandable.
• Consider consulting another doctor if your current one does not acknowledge your issues, dismisses your concerns, does not want to provide explanations when carrying out tests or frequently interrupts you.
• If your physician does not refer to your medical records before prescribing medication or performing procedures, has a questionable reputation or does not specialize in your condition, it is advisable to find someone else to take care of your health.
• You are at liberty to explain your reasons for leaving but if you are not comfortable with the doctor, you are not compelled to provide detailed about explanations regarding why you can no longer be their patient.
Referrals and Recommendations
• If you and your current physician have a good relationship and you need a referral, go ahead and ask for one. Your doctor can provide a referral to another doctor in an area that is suitable for you. Since your doctor is aware of your medical history, they can make it easier for you to locate an ideal replacement.
• Doctors often suggest specialists when they are unable to deal effectively with particular medical conditions.
• Family and friends are also useful sources of information when looking for a good replacement. You can ask them to recommend a physician. They can also provide suggestions for medical specialists such as dermatologists.
• Online searches can help you look for qualified doctors if you are moving to a new area and do not have anyone to ask for referrals.
• Insurance providers have their list of doctors that you can search for according to location and field.
See Also: 5 Reasons Why the World Needs More Naturopathic Physicians
First Appointment
• After finding a potential doctor that may be the right choice for you, try to schedule a visit as soon as you can. This will give you the chance to discuss your needs and medical history with the doctor. While scheduling the appointment, you can ask a few questions pertaining to aspects such as the duration of appointments, availability and emergencies.
• You will usually be expected to fill out some forms and it is important to be aware of your current prescriptions, medical history and allergies you may have.
• After the initial visit you will be able to determine whether or not the doctor is the right choice. If you are not yet satisfied, you can continue your search to make sure that you find a doctor you are comfortable with and one who can help you with your medical problems.
See Also: 4 Essential Checkups You Should Have Each Year
Isabella Rossellin
Isabella Rossellinee is a freelance writer and has been writing articles for different publications and sites for the past 5 years. Her hobbies include bike riding, fishing and listening to music.Visitperkinspreferredroofing.comhere.