Dumb Little Man

Death by Google Calendar: How I Identified you to rob you

1 (42)

** Please note that the content of this message was altered September 04 at 3:36 PM.

Good News. The owners of the calendar that we used in this sample emailed us today indicating that they’ve now changed their settings to “Private” on gCal. Since that is the case, we replaced any screen shots originally used in this article because I am not going to share someone’s private info.

While this current message is slightly less detailed, my hope is that it remains clear enough to get a simple point across – Anyone can see your calendar when you choose to keep it “public”. **


I find it very interesting utterly stupid that people display their lives online. As a simple study, I did some digging on Google Calendar. Now, keep in mind that I am somewhat tech-savvy but I used no skills for this. Everything I found in this case was simply a result of a Google Search, an additional search on Travelocity and a 411 call. There was nothing to this at all.

*Note: This message happens to be specific to Google Calendar but it’s implications hold true to any calendaring or MySpace-type site.

–Begin Bad Guy thought process–

Let’s search for “labor day” and see what people are doing and who is not going to be home. I need some new gear.






–End Bad Guy thought process–

I think you get the point. I am the furthest thing from a criminal but I hope this scares a few people into not being ignorant. Sure I indicated that you could get robbed but that’s just a start. If someone has something against you for some reason, how about we add stalk you, kill you, hunt you, etc.

I am not picking on this woman but I needed to show a real example. There are tons of public calendars far more revealing than this one. In literally 20 minutes, I now know the name, address, phone number and schedule of this woman. If I can do it, you can be damn sure the real bad guys can. Please be smarter about what you share online. If given a choice, choose the private setting. If you are not given a choice, either choose a new calendar or talk in some code that only you understand. I guess I just don’t understand why people set themselves up to become victims.

For Google Calendar users, mark the calendar private or share it with specific people, not Earth. If you don’t know how to privatize your Google Calendar, do this:









If you need other help, all of these instructions are available at Google Calendar Support.

** Please note that the content of this message was altered September 04 at 3:36 PM.

Good News. The owners of the calendar that we used in this sample emailed us today indicating that they’ve now changed their settings to “Private” on gCal. Since that is the case, we replaced any screen shots originally used in this article because I am not going to share someone’s private info.

While this current message is slightly less detailed, my hope is that it remains clear enough to get a simple point across – Anyone can see your calendar when you choose to keep it “public”. **


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