How to Remove Skin Tags with Duct Tape
By Jay White
January 14, 2019 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Skin tags can be quite embarrassing.
Also known as acrochordons, they are the small flaps of skin that appear on the body. People who are very young, very old, pregnant, and diabetic are more prone to developing them. While they are typically harmless, they aren’t that pleasant to look at.
If you have a few skin tags and you’re thinking of removing them, you can get them surgically removed. There are also a couple of home remedies you can try. Among those remedies, the use of duct tape for skin tag removal is probably the most popular one. After all, it’s cheap and it just works!
Below is a step-by-step guide you’ll find handy in removing those stubborn skin tags
Gather your supplies
In this case, they are simple. All you need is a skin tag, or more than one, and a roll of duct tape.
Wash and dry your skin completely before covering the area around it with a piece of duct tape.
Smooth it completely to ensure that there are no bubbles or wrinkles that will let air into the area. The theory behind duct tape removal is that it suffocates the skin underneath, causing the skin tag to die. Because of this, it’s a good idea to not make the tape around the tag too big, so that the skin you want to keep isn’t damaged in the process.
Wait until the tape begins to loosen, then check the skin tag
If it is still alive, it will remain attached. If it is not, it will fall off. If one round of duct tape doesn’t work, replace it with a fresh piece after washing and drying the area again. Do this until the skin tag finally does fall off.
If you want to speed the process, try a second method to help move things along
Some popular choices of skin tag removal tools include painting the skin tag with nail polish to suffocate it and tying a string around the base of the skin tag as tight as you can. Do this before placing the duct tape on the skin tag. Repeat it each time that you replace your piece of tape.
A Word of Caution
Though this may work the first time, sometimes it takes multiple times to work. If your skin tags grew while you were pregnant or ill and you are now healthy, they are unlikely to return. If you are in the same health as you were when they grew, they may return.
See Also: How to Get Flawless Skin: The Best Tips You Should Know By Now
Jay White
I started Dumb Little Man many years ago so great authors, writers and bloggers could share their life "hacks" and tips for success with everyone. I hope you find something you like!