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Improve Your ‘Hunched over the PC’ Posture

healthy eating and workout methods, this essential facet of our well-being is often overlooked.

Posture provides the foundation for a balanced workout, deeper breathing, effective digestion and efficient functioning of organs. Improving your posture will benefit your overall health, give you more energy, help rehabilitate or prevent injury and increase sporting performance.

That’s a lot of benefits for such an overlooked idea and I didn’t even mention that it would help you sit at your workstation longer and work harder without cramping!

Here we take a look at six core stretches that will increase your flexibility from head to toe.

And that’s the six stretches! Many of my clients have had great results just from improving their flexibility, some have even been on the brink of surgery after exhausting a lot of other options. Correcting the underlying postural imbalances is a great help, but in the first instance these stretches will set you on the right path.

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