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Increasing Your Productivity: The Big Picture AND the Little Picture

Image via Creative Commons, Mad Wraith’s Flickr photostream. (Source)

Everyone wants to boost their productivity, whether it’s at your day job or your personal development goals. Why does it seem so difficult?

One of the reasons many people fail to see results when attempting to increase productivity is because they don’t realize there are two very different levels to which attention must be paid. Focusing on one to the exclusion of the other will usually result in only short-lived gains if not outright failure.

As the title of this article suggests there is big-picture productivity and little-picture productivity. This article will explain both and give you plenty of tips for boosting each of them.

Big-Picture Productivity
Big-picture productivity involves stepping back and taking a look at yourself from a bird’s eye view. These are larger basic traits and characteristics about yourself that you need to keep an eye on or develop. The following are 4 dimensions of big-picture productivity that fit firmly into the realm of personal development. Keeping an eye on how you’re doing with these will keep you heading in a solid, forward-moving and very productive direction:







Little-Picture Productivity
Now that you know what to pay attention to in the big picture, there are also all kinds of things you can do to be more productive when you actually start working on any given task or project. Things to try at this level include the following:





Just remember that in order to boost and maintain higher levels of productivity, you need to pay attention to both the big-picture dimensions and the little-picture tools and tricks. When you learn how to balance your productivity efforts between these two different but essential levels, you’ll be well on your way to a highly productive life.

Written on 4/6/2012 by Vic Lawrence. Vic is a US Army Veteran that blogs about Self Improvement and Personal Development. Vic wants to inspire motivation and passion into individuals that live a life of unhappiness. Vic offers practical advice for becoming your best self at Hang In There. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Photo Credit: demoshelsinki
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