6 Interview Hacks That Are Sure To Land You The Job

Interviewing for jobs is a stressful but unavoidable part of most people’s lives. Whether you are looking for your first job or looking to move up the corporate ladder, it is important that you nail the interview so that you can land that coveted job.
When you ask someone for tips on how to make an impression during an interview, everyone will give you a different answer. They are all helpful, but we wanted to make a short and sweet list of the best hacks to focus on.
If you can get these right, you are sure to land the job!
Research The Company Before You Arrive
Companies are more and more interested in making sure that you know the company you are joining. You don’t need to know everything about them, but you should know how long they have been in business, any key clients, and maybe even some of the directors. This will show them that you are geniunely interested and invested and are willing to do the extra few minutes of work to make a great impression.
It is also a great idea to do a little research on the company’s current projects and events. If you can walk in the door and tell them that you would be a great help with their current project because you have certain experience, they will eat it up.
Know Your Resume Like The Back Of Your Hand
Your resume is all that your interviewers know about you when you walk through the door. It is a safe bet that they are going to probe and question a good portion of what you have written in your resume. Make sure that you really know what you are talking about if you claim that you are an expert.
The company interviewing you is looking to make sure that you can speak intelligently on the topics you claim to know. Don’t take offense to that. They are just ensuring that you can come in and do the job that you applied for.
See Also: 16 Worst Resume Mistakes
Know What The Position Requires
Study the job description before you arrive so that you fully understand what they are looking for. Being armed with this knowledge is a huge benefit because you can tailor your answers to show that you are exactly what they are looking for. If they are looking for someone who can lead a team, make sure that you talk about leadership skills and examples of times when you led others to accomplish a goal in the past.
Aim To Show Up 30 Minutes Early
Remember that you are going somewhere you probably haven’t been before, so leave yourself time to get lost. You never know when you are going to make a wrong turn or find a closed road. You aren’t going to show up for a flight to the Bahamas right on time, so don’t do it during an interview. If you feel that you are way too early, you can always wait in the car!
Make A Great First Impression
I’m sure that everyone knows this by now, but first impressions are everything in an interview. Make sure that you start off with a firm handshake, eye contact, and a smile. A first impression starts the interview off on a good foundation that you can build on.
Be Yourself
Make sure that you be yourself throughout the interview. Don’t try and be someone else just to get the job because it will just bite you in the behind later. If you are not right for the position and team, you want to know that from the start. You don’t want to discover that four months into the position!
See Also: Interview Tips: What Not To Say During Your Next Job Interview

Josh Stockton
Josh Stockton is the outreach manager for Own The Boardroom. Check out their blog for current fashion and career advice!