8 Interview Tips For Introverts

By Anurag Gupta
December 14, 2016 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

As an introvert myself, I know how difficult it is when the spotlight is right on you. The thought of talking spontaneously to total strangers brings sweaty beads of nervousness on the forehead, and interviews are just as much of a challenge, if not more of a challenge. The stakes of the situation are high and you’re asked to talk about yourself while marketing your skills and talents.
I understand that meeting new people and conversing costs you a lot of energy, but you cannot keep skipping those interviews just because you don’t like to open up. That said, given below are a few tips that should help you release all that tension and excel in your upcoming interview.
Prepare Your Introductory Talk
“Tell me something about yourself!”
For an introvert, we know how much this question weighs. Opening up in front of new people is not your cup of tea, but passing on just the necessary information about yourself would not be of much harm.
Prepare a small introductory speech beforehand to clear the last minute tension. Remember to incorporate all your strengths and achievements in your small yet powerful introduction.
Do Some Research
“What do you think you’ll have to do if selected?”
This question can be quite challenging for everyone. But for an introvert who does not know how to cover up the unknown with wordplay, it is even more frightening. You know the job role you’ve applied for, but it is important that you know what exactly you’ll have to do or what the company does for that matter.
Do a little homework about the organization. Know the core responsibilities of your post and amaze the interviewer with your quick replies.
Engage In Small Talks
It’s hard keeping up a conversation with a stranger. Remember though that you need this job and you need to create a connection with the interviewer. It is always better for an introvert to engage in small talks with the interviewer to create a good impression and make them like you instantly.
Asking a few general questions at the end to initiate small talks could also be of great help for you.
See Also: Interview Tips: What Not To Say During Your Next Job Interview
Focus, Focus, Focus…
“You seem lost. Are you okay?”
It is in the personality of an introvert to lose focus on unrelated things happening around them. Whether it’s the tick-tock of the wall clock or the magazine that is placed on the table, don’t let your mind wander. Pay attention to what the interviewer is saying or asking. Focus on his words and don’t let your wayward thoughts get in the way.
Remember that your interview is the most important thing right now. Keep your mind focused on this and you will definitely excel in your interview.
See Also: 5 Techniques for Increasing your Focus in 5 Minutes
Keep Those Negative Thoughts At Bay
Don’t take your negative thoughts along with you to the interview room. This will only increase the tension within your mind and make you look less confident. Another way to release the pent-up tension is to not let your introvert nature hinder your interview performance. Stop overthinking about what could go wrong, instead focus on your positives.
Your Introversion Is Your Strength
Stop overthinking about what could go wrong and instead, focus on your positives. So what if you are an introvert? Before going to the interview, list down your strengths and have a clear understanding of how these traits can be useful for the company.
For example, introverts can be relied on for deep listening and careful thought. They’re also easier to manage as they are often autonomous and self-managing. After so much excess from extroverted personalities in the workplace, being with an introverted colleague can be a breath of fresh air.
An organization is made up of different people with different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs. As an introvert, you have a special place in the workplace. Keep this in mind and be confident of yourself during your job interview.
Good luck!

Anurag Gupta
This article is written by Anurag Gupta. He works for Placementindia.com, one of the leading placement portals of India. Anurag keeps a keen interest in ongoing placements trends in the country and has delivered many articles and blogs for both job seekers and employers.