Inspiring Journaling Prompts To Help Re-Shape Your Life

I’ve always had massive aspirations, dreams, and desires my entire life. With hard work, commitment, and a lot of journaling, I’m now living the life I’ve always dreamed of and wanted to create.
Journaling has been a massive part of my success. I personally journal daily as I believe that mindset is the key to everything!
Everything in my life, I have created through asking for it and it helped to first know what it was I was asking for. What was it that I wanted? Who did I want to be? What did I want to do? What was deep in my soul that I wanted to share with the world?
That’s where journaling came in!
There are a number of ways you can journal and you’ve probably come across a few.
What I want to share with you are a few basic and powerful questions you can ask yourself to get you focused, clear, and feeling empowered in any and every area of your life.
Below, I’ve put together some powerful journal prompts about life you can use to create what you truly desire. You can use them as much or as little as you need.
How This Works
Read the questions below then answer them in your journal. Write as little or as much as you feel. Don’t hold back. This is between you and yourself.
Deep down, you know the answer to everything you need to know. So, take your time and let it surface. If any question makes you feel like you do not want to answer it, I’d be seriously looking for a reason why.
Let’s get to it!
- What do I REALLY want?
- What do I want to have?
- How can I wake up every morning and feel amazing?
- What do I want to do?
- What do I want to be?
- How can I re-frame or change this?
- What would I need to believe in order to be and have and do all of that?
- What action can I take right now to make this happen?
- How do I know what’s preventing me from taking this action?
The next set of journaling prompts is what I use daily to describe and become super clear on creating what I considered to be my perfect day.
- On your perfect day, where do you wake up?
- Who is around you?
- What is the first thing you see – describe your environment in detail.
- Where do you go?
- What is your ideal morning routine – describe in detail.
- What do you eat?
- How does the day feel to you?
The Crucial Part
I want you to list 5 to 10 powerful statements or beliefs that can support what you have just written down. Remember, it’s your beliefs that drive your choices and decisions. You must establish a set of powerful beliefs that support what you’re wanting to create and have in your life!
I’ll give you a few of mine so you have an example:
- I allow myself always, to access my deepest intuitive powers.
- I am guided by deep wisdom from within.
- Everything always works out perfectly for me.
- I have everything I need to know inside of me.
- I FULLY trust my soul.
- Every day, I choose to wake up and trust, that everything is taken care of.
- I am safe to express myself always.
Through your journaling, you might discover you have a dream you want to work on. Instead of it feeling completely daunting and like it’s never going to happen, your powerful beliefs will be in place to support you in making it happen. It is possible if you decide for it to be.
Reiterating powerful beliefs will give you more energy and a drive which comes from within you. Use these journal prompts about life as regularly as you need.
Whatever it is you dream, no matter how grandiose or out of reach it may seem right now, for somebody somewhere in the world, it’s normal to live like that and be like that.
It’s just how life is and you can make it happen to you as well.
See Also: 5 Benefits of Journaling To Inspire and Motivate You
Katrina Ruth
Katrina Ruth (previously Kat Loterzo) is a writer based on Australia's sunny Gold Coast. When she isn't furiously unleashing her true message, she is running her multi-million dollar online coaching business as an entertainer, speaker and success mentor to 'the crazy ones'. With 50+ eBooks (mostly best sellers) and several hundred product and program launches under her belt Katrina is known as a ‘Content Queen’ who just doesn’t stop. She believes that you CAN have it all, on your terms!