6 Ways To Get Outside And Stay Active This Summer

By Regina Thomas

January 5, 2025   •   Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

outdoor summer activities

Are you looking to lose a bit of weight this summer? Maybe you have already lost a few pounds and want to keep them off. There are plenty of exciting ways for you to do so. The summer season is perfect for you to move around in a comfortable fashion. Here are 6 of the very best ways that you can get outside and stay active.

1. Take A Walk Out In The Park

summer activities outdoor

There are plenty of parks all around you to go for a walk. Many of them are right outside your door. Summer is the perfect season to get out there, move about, and even meet some new people. It’s a great way to walk and move and feel good. There are plenty of parks in your city or town for you to head outdoors and exercise your body.

2. Visit A State Park Or National Campsite

If you really want to get out there in the great out of doors, you can do so easily. All you will need to do is pay a visit to any one of many New York state park campsites. These are places you will find plenty of space to unwind, relax, and move about to your heart’s content. Now is the perfect time for you to plan your visit.

3. Play Frisbee At The Beach

Summer is here so a trip to the beach is in order. While you’re there, you may as well try to burn off a few excess winter pounds. One of the best ways for you to do so is to take up a few simple games. Why not organize a bit of frisbee play with your pals? This will be a great way to keep active and focused on your weight loss goal.

You never know how fun this may actually turn out to be until you try it for yourself. Once you do, we’re willing to bet that you will be pleasantly surprised. It’s a fun way to exercise without even having to think about it. And it’s a good way to meet fun people just like yourself.

4. Lose A Few Pounds By Mowing The Lawn

No one likes having to mow their lawn. It’s a tedious chore that most folks would much rather delegate to the neighbor kid. But if you have a few pounds to lose, you may as well take the task on yourself. It could help you sweat off a few pounds and get your stamina level back up to snuff. It’s worth it for this reason if for no other.

5. Go On A Summer Canoe Trip

outdoor summer activity

One of the best ways to stay fit and healthy is also one of the most relaxing. There are plenty of places in your state and elsewhere to enjoy a canoe vacation. This may be the perfect way for you to relax and unwind. A long, lazy trip on the water can do a great deal of good.

There is nothing more relaxing than being out there in the wilderness. A day in the water spent rowing your canoe can be the perfect tonic to your frayed nerves. And while you are healing your psyche, you can also be toning up your muscles. It’s a great combination for you to make use of.

6. Play Along With A YouTube Exercise Video

Social media upload channels, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, and the likes, are filled with plenty of videos that you can exercise along with. Whether you’re an old-time fan of Jane Fonda or Richard Simmons or prefer something more up-to-date, there is plenty to choose from. There are thousands of videos available for you to select.

Summer Is The Time To Stay Active

The summer season is very nearly upon us. This will be the very best time for you to get out of doors and move around freely. The winter chill is gone so there is no reason to have to bundle up and avoid moving. Summer means that you now have the best chance to stay active, lose weight, and feel alive at the best time of the year.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native who spends her time as a freelance writer and loves cooking at home when she can find the time. Regina loves reading, music, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie. She loves adventure and living every day to the fullest.

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