Rocket Italian 2024 Edition: The Things You Should Consider Before Using It
By J Maver
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Italy has some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. Having made substantial contributions to the development of architecture, Italy is made up of beautifully designed buildings as well as breathtaking mountain ranges.
With such awe-inspiring sights, learning Italian would be beneficial in helping you to experience Italy from the point of view of a native speaker. It would also help you to better understand Italian culture and connect with the locals, whether for leisure or business.
There are many language courses available that specialise in helping you to learn a language effectively. To give you guidance in your quest to learn Italian, this Rocket Italian review provides you with an in-depth analysis on the suitability of Rocket Languages as a method of learning Italian.
Rocket Italian
Free trial – 1 free interactive audio lesson
Rocket Italian Level 1 – $99.95
Rocket Italian Level 1 & 2 – $249.90
Rocket Italian Level 1, 2, & 3 – $259.90 (best value)
All packages contain lifetime access to the language course and a 60-day money-back guarantee
The Rocket Languages mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devices where there are plenty of exercises and easy to understand explanations.
The audio languages are also of great quality and the Rocket Italian language and culture lessons are extensive and thus successfully act as the tools needed for effective immersion into the language.
The modules can become tedious as the tools provided by Rocket Italian to give you the opportunity to practice grammar and vocabulary can easily become repetitive.
Rocket Italian has Thoroughly Shown us the Strength and Quality of Rocket Languages
Whilst Rocket Languages is based in New Zealand, the mobile app is used by English speakers all over the world as a method of language learning. The Italian course has earned a promising reputation among the many other Italian learning courses available.
In comparison to other apps such as Rosetta Stone, Rocket Italian gives you all of the required tools to effectively reach the same level as that of Italian speakers.
With their audio lessons, Rocket Italian helps you to improve your pronunciation, get a better grasp of how words and phrases are used in complete sentences and also expand your vocabulary.
How Much of the Language Learning Process does the Rocket Italian Course Cover?
With the app, you have many opportunities to practice several aspects of the language, including grammar, pronunciation, sentence construction, and more.
Rocket Italian comes with a variety of lessons, each designed to be structured in a similar layout so that it’s easier for you to learn.
At first glance, the Rocket Italian course seems to be overly simplified, however since the app is so easy to use, language learning becomes much more enjoyable with their user-friendly user interface.
The lessons cover a whole range of topics that you’ll likely come across when speaking Italian in everyday conversation. They cover topics such as food, travel, and grammar to help you learn useful Italian vocabulary.
Get Started Without Entering your Credit Card Details
Through the guest account, the Rocket Italian online course gives you access to the first of their interactive audio lessons without the need for a credit card or any other method of payment.
Whilst there is a price associated with accessing further sections including lessons such as ‘Using Public Transport’, the structure for each module is the same. As a result, allowing you the chance to try their lessons before purchasing the course gives you confidence in how well their teaching method would suit your learning style.
The platform itself is easy to navigate. The ‘Dashboard’ serves as a detailed overview of all of the modules available, how they’re structured and the lessons.
Rocket Italian levels also have survival kits that aim to give you adequate practice in building your vocabulary.
The lessons are split into various topics such as ‘Talking About the Family’ and ‘Describing your Body Parts’. This ensures that you learn words that you’ll likely use in regular conversation with native speakers.
The Rocket Italian Lesson Exercises
This Rocket Italian review also covers the construction and layout of each lesson within the packages. With Rocket Italian, you could learn the language right away through a well-structured module system.
There are several modules available for each level and each module is composed of two types of lessons: ‘Interactive Audio Lessons’ and ‘Language and Culture Lessons’.
The lessons can introduce concepts and themes that deal with language structure and specific situations. As an example, there are even topics called ‘Seeing the Opera’ and ‘The Poet Dante’.
With the use of such unique subjects, the lessons become much more enjoyable to complete and also more memorable in the long term.
Interactive Audio Lessons
This Rocket Italian review wouldn’t be complete without a vital look into the interactive audio lesson. With the free trial, you have access to several of Rocket Italian’s audio lessons.
Each interactive audio lesson includes a series of activities that aim to improve upon a variety of your language-related skills.
Play It!
This section includes a voice recognition tool that gives you the chance to listen to the correct pronunciation of individual phrases.
Each lesson gives you the chance to play an audio recording of a conversation and thus pick up the key grammar rules through natural conversation.
Extra Vocabulary
The ‘Extra Vocabulary’ section also utilises their voice recognition technology to help you practice speaking.
This section gives you the option of reading Italian words, their translations, listening to how the word is pronounced, and speaking all of the words listed.
This course understands that through speaking you’ll be able to learn Italian at an accelerated pace. This makes the voice recognition tool much more advantageous and an essential part of learning Italian.
Rocket Reinforcement activities
The interactive audio lessons contain reinforcement activities that provide tools for improving your memory and understanding your comprehension of the content.
The flashcard tool is a simple yet effective method of testing how well you know the words mentioned throughout the lesson.
The ‘Easy’, ‘Good’, and ‘Hard’ buttons help you to keep track of how well you remember words and how easy the words come to you.
Hear It! Say It!
This section allows you to hear words or phrases and practice speaking them.
In a similar fashion to the flashcard section, you can also rank how well you’ve answered the questions in one of three different ways: Easy, Good, and Hard.
Write It!
The ‘Write It’ section involves listening to words and typing them out on a text box, thus enabling you to improve your spelling and writing. Since certain letters also contain accents, it also provides you with buttons containing such letters.
Know It!
This section shows you the English translation of words/phrases and asks you to say the Italian translation out loud.
As with the previous activities, you can also rank how well you’ve completed each question.
The lesson effectively ends with a quiz to help you test your knowledge.
The quiz comes in the form of multiple-choice questions such as ‘How do you translate “And you?” in an informal way?’.
The Language and Culture Lessons
To help you learn Italian, Rocket Italian’s online language and culture lessons go into comprehensive detail regarding contextual situations, the intricacies of Italian grammar rules, and general tips on language learning.
The lessons are incredibly helpful in helping you bring together all of the previous grammar and vocabulary you’ve learned in a cultural context. These lessons go into a lot of detail and the explanations are easy to follow.
Unlike with many other courses, if there’s a particular lesson that you want to complete first, then it’s easy to simply choose to complete that lesson instead of completing them in a fixed order.
The course gives you the flexibility to learn the language at a pace that you’re comfortable with and an order that you can easily follow. For example, if you want to learn about pronouns and verbs before learning about places, then this course has the versatility to allow you to do so.
Rocket Italian Purchasable Packages
Each package is purchasable through a single payment that grants you lifetime access to the app. The courses are instantly available with the addition of 24/7 lifetime support.
There’s also a 60-day money-back guarantee for those who haven’t been completely convinced of the value offered by Rocket Italian.
Rocket Italian offers a free trial as well as a guest account that you can use to test the course without making any payments. However, as mentioned in the summary, Rocket Italian LVL 1 comes with a cost of $99.95, Rocket Italian LVL 1 & 2 costs $249.90, and lastly Rocket Italian LVL 1, 2, & 3 with a cost of $259.90.
The LVL 1 course includes 132 hours of lesson time, 2240 voice recognition phrases, 1 bonus survival kit, and several types of lessons. It’s apparent that the other packages that encompass more levels contain a larger supply of resources.
Whilst we can’t speak for everyone, there’s never been a time when we’ve seen the courses at their original price and not a discounted price. Regardless, many users have expressed that they believe the language course to be well worth the cost, particularly as it grants lifetime access.
Alternative Italian Courses
In order to help you learn Italian, there are several online courses availa ble that are well regarded and reputable. To create a fair Rocket Italian review, we’ve also included a list of 4 different resources that you could use either as supplementary material or as your main method of learning Italian.
Italy Made Easy
Italy Made Easy is an online course that is specifically designed to help English speakers reach fluency in Italian. Key concepts are thoroughly explained in English and grammar is taught in a learner-friendly method.
There are several courses to choose from and the interactive exercises help you to gain valuable practice in all of the different language skills.
Each course is structured such that you learn specific elements of the language at what is deemed as the right time. The topics are also explored meticulously through engaging video lessons.
Italy Made Easy does come with a rather large price tag, however, there are free lessons and podcasts available to help you understand what the course entails.
If you wish to gain immediate access to protected content such as lesson pdfs and exercise answers, you can simply join their mailing list. This will enable you to gain free weekly resources to supplement your knowledge.
With the Italian course by Pimsleur, you can successfully learn the complexities of Italian pronunciation and learn how to speak like a native Italian speaker.
If you have an auditory learning style, Pimsleur might just be a great tool for you to make use of.
The course is based on scientifically proven principles that help to prevent information overload when it comes to learning a new language. It puts an emphasis on pronunciation and uses high-quality audio that introduces new words using each syllable.
The dialogs are easy enough to follow and most importantly, the speech flows smoothly and sounds natural. With native Italians acting as voice actors for the course, you can listen to how sentences are constructed slowly. This will enable you to improve your listening comprehension as well as your pronunciation.
For those who are aiming to learn Italian for business purposes, their use of formal and polite language would be beneficial. However, those who are learning casually might notice that it can be overly formal and thus not quite appropriate for casual conversation.
News In Slow Italian
This online resource gives you access to how the language is spoken when it comes to relaying current events and interesting news stories.
News In Slow Italian allows you to learn several words and phrases and also listen to the slow and accurate pronunciation of such words.
News In Slow Italian has a useful tool for instantly seeing the meaning of phrases whilst you’re listening to the audio. For each news article, there’s an option to change the speed at which you listen, flashcards to help you remember what you’ve learnt, and the transcripts themselves that are downloadable.
It also helps that like regular news articles, the stories also contain pictures that prevent the article from looking like a wall of text.
Italian Uncovered
The lessons in the ‘Italian Uncovered’ course teaches based on story comprehension. It involves working through a simple yet interesting story in 20 chapters.
As the story progresses you learn about language structure and grammar rules. The explanations on these complicated topics are very thorough and the content can be quite grammar intensive.
At the end of each chapter, you’re given a video lesson that goes through the story you’ve just covered and teaches Italian based on said story. Afterwards, you also have worksheets and speaking exercises related to the story.
This method of practice is effective in regard to improving memory and recollection of specific parts of the language. For those who are more inclined to perfecting their grammar when learning a new language, then this course would be highly advantageous.
Regardless of the content, this approach to learning in itself is very unique. It can help complete beginners reach intermediate level fluency in the Italian language.
On the other hand, this course doesn’t come in the form of an app which can make it slightly more inconvenient for those who want to learn on the go. The user interface could also benefit from an update to make it appear more user-friendly.
The Rocket Italian Course Has Completely Surpassed all of My Expectations
In this Rocket Italian review, we’ve covered the audio lessons, course structure, survival kit, and more.
We’ve also analysed several alternatives to Rocket Italian that people with different learning styles might find to be more beneficial.
The Rocket Italian language and culture lessons as well as the Rocket Italian audio lessons help you to read, write, and speak Italian fluently, whilst enabling you to get a good comprehension of Italian grammar.
In general, the course offers a clear and comprehensible structure with many different exercises.
Completing the exercises can help you feel more confident about making conversation with locals and traversing both rural and urban areas in Italy (as well as other territories with Italian as their official language).
Having meticulously searched through hundreds of summary Rocket Italian reviews and written an honest review of our own, we’ve concluded that the course brings a tremendous amount of value in both their Italian language lessons as well as their language culture lessons.
For those who aim to learn how to speak like a native Italian speaker, the Rocket Italian 2021 edition is a brilliant start.
Don’t forget to use the free trial to give you a better understanding of how suitable the course is for you and how much you enjoy the lessons.
J Maver
Passionate in tech, software and gadgets. I enjoy reviewing and comparing products & services, uncovering new trends and digging up little known products that deserve an audience.