How Safety Audit Software Keeps Your Company Prepared 24/7

By Dumb Little Man
November 26, 2018

For organizations, safety and compliance are two factors that often demand unmatched attention. Having an effective safety plan is a brilliant decision that companies can take while pursuing their aspirations. Therefore, the goal for most outfits is to reduce recurring errors and overall risks; stick to high layers of workplace safety inspection, and increase productivity at the same time. As such, implementing safety audit software to operations can keep your company prepared all through the year against hazards and contingencies.
What are the advantages of digitizing safety audits at sites? Is the audit software efficient enough in keeping companies safe and prepared? How will your company’s performance margins look like with the introduction of audit software to operations? This discourse shall attempt to cover these salient questions and transcend the scope a bit in understanding the place of the game changer that is the digitization of safety audit.
Reducing Risks Costs
Companies do spend fortunes on safety and compliance in expenditure. For those who think otherwise, reports have it that their Return on Investment usually takes a massive dip. The US Department of Labor accounts that businesses spend $170 billion a year on costs associated with occupational injuries and illnesses. The report also states that workplaces that have designed a safety and health management system are inclined to throttling their risk costs by 20 to 40 percent. Part of how they reduce their risk costs is using digital safety audits as a means of optimizing their effective safety program. To have a full grasp of this, there should be an understanding of what a safety audit is.
Safety Audit
A safety audit is an organized procedure that requires the collection of information about a company’s safety management system and total health system, in relation to their effectiveness and reliability. The prime reasons for conducting safety audit are for compliance and for recognizing frailties in safety models. Safety audits are carried out to ascertain whether a company is in strict compliance with safety standards as well. While a company can have its own auditors conduct this, external ones from a regulatory agency can equally do so. Through recognizing design limitations and weaknesses, safety audits can strengthen their safety plan measures.
In comparison to technical inspections, safety audits are a more thorough process. Digitized safety audit method like software, meanwhile, is cost-effective, faster, and efficient as we shall shortly see.
How industries are embracing technology in safety auditing
With the unprecedented scale of disruption taking place across various industries, technological advancement has upped performance levels and outputs. Technological trends have found a foothold in safety auditing as well in a bid to maximize operation opportunities. From analytics to artificial intelligence, there is a reduced risk of error with using technology in auditing. Auditing analytics is vital too in improving audit qualities especially by separating data and concentrated testing of complex arrays of information.
This mildly suggests that a workforce proficient in big data and analysis would be in high demand soon. At operation sites, data collection will not have to be monotonous and error-prone. With safety auditing software and data gathering, risks will be low, auditing will be tractable, and work efficient thanks to technology.
It is therefore important to have an integrated auditing system to have a perfect perspective in knowing that you are keeping your employees safe. Kelli Simpson explains ten ways an integrated safety auditing will help you achieve this. Simpson believes that paper checklists and an ad hoc safety auditing model have ceased to be functional options for growing organizations and businesses. This is true because an integrated digital safety auditing tool like software is rapidly becoming the threshold for safety managers to make faster but smarter decisions. Consequently, safety managers will help their companies have the requisite qualification to have the Aberdeen Report’s “best in class” tag.
Aberdeen Report and Standard
The report is drafted by the Aberdeen Group and it proves how organizations with the lowest injury rates possess better productivity. The group aptly calls such organizations “best-in-class” manufacturers because they depend on improved safety technologies and thoroughly calculated processes to help facilitate high layers of workplace safety. The report also covers the top challenge faced by companies in simplifying the audit and inspection process to make safety models better. To keep your company prepared 24/7, it is important to take a cue from the Aberdeen report which explains that best-in-Class companies are over two times more likely than their peers to utilize mobile devices when performing audits and inspections. An audit software on your device allows you to monitor proceedings and helps keep your safety management schedules more efficient.
The Safety Audit Software
It aids organizations to design health and safety auditing procedures. With the software, you have the luxury of seamlessly conducting audits and safety inspections from the field. Whether it is on a mobile phone or tablet, you have access to audits and inspection tools without breaking the bank. And speaking of convenience, the audit software assists with data synchronization thereby allowing you to share audits as you want from anywhere. With good audit software, chances of risks and hazards are low- assuring your company’s preparation for contingencies all through the clock.
How It prepares your company
It keeps the workplace safer while complying with measures and standards at the same time. With that said, preparation can come in diverse ways for your company. For example, there is bound to be a spike in operational efficiency across the workplace due to the integration of audit software in the workflow. Before the use of software in the workplace, auditing was monotonous and perhaps more expensive. That is changing as safety software is helping hundreds of companies achieve smooth operational efficiency.
In addition, by standardizing safety practices by the auditor, location, and task, operations become tractable and flexible with the aid of an audit software. You will be able to discover hazards and predict the scale of casualties even before they occur. Your company tends to lose less to unpalatable eventualities because of data analysis as money and time are saved on all safety designs. It is why the Aberdeen report rates best-in-class companies.
Some factors to consider before choosing your Audit Software
UX and UI
Intuitiveness, a nice user interface, and a satisfying user experience are hallmarks of good software. But while you are on the lookout for software with great design, make sure the user experience is top notch. Functionality and ease should trump any other factor even with a bad design.
Understand the plans
Different software from tech companies come with varying features and safety audit subscriptions. Find out the safety plan that meets your company operation needs. And for how much might that cost you and for how long do you intend to use the service? Are the tech company’s initiatives inclusive enough for your staff and equipment? Will the software require a rigid learning curve? Is the support excellent? These are some of the questions you and your team could trash out before making a decision.

Dumb Little Man
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