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Seven Great Ways to Make Your Good Intentions Last

All of us have good intentions for positive change in our lives. We come up with great goals – like losing weight, getting fit, writing a book, changing career, quitting smoking, cutting down on caffeine. All too often, though, our good intentions don’t last very long.  

Here’s how to boost your chances of success. Try one or more of these seven tips today:

  • #1: Don’t Take On Too Much
    Let’s say you’ve decided to overhaul your life. You want to lose weight, find a new career, improve your relationships and keep your home neat and tidy.

Those are all perfectly good goals … but by tackling them all at once, you’re shooting yourself in the foot before you’ve even begun on your journey to success. Instead of trying to take on everything all at once, pick just one or two goals to focus on. That way, you’ll be far more likely to stick with them.

There are lots of ways you can track your progress towards your goal. You might keep a spreadsheet, noting down daily or weekly activities; you could check off days on your calendar; you could keep a diary and write about how you’re feeling and whether or not you’re making progress. Find a technique that works for you.

Remind yourself on a regular basis about why you’re doing this. For instance, if you’re eating a calorie-controlled diet to lose weight, the benefits of this might be that you’ll be healthier, and you’ll feel more confident about your body.

If your goal is to exercise on a regular basis, for instance, look for forms of exercise that you truly enjoy (and there’ll be at least one or two)! That could be swimming, cycling, walking, running … or even something a bit quirky like fencing, playing Frisbee, or trampolining! You don’t have to be in the gym every day to be active.

However, a small slip isn’t going to make a big difference to your overall progress – unless you let it. Instead of trying to be perfect, aim to work towards your goal 80% of the time, and don’t worry for the other 20%. Yes, you might make slightly slower progress, but you’ll also be much more likely to reach the finish line.

What good intentions do you have for your own life right now? What are you doing to help them to last? Let us know in the comments…

Written on 7/28/2012 by Ali Luke. Ali is a writer of fiction and non-fiction and a writing coach. She blogs about writing on her site,, and has a free ebook “How to Find Time For Your Writing” available when you join her writing newsletter here. Photo Credit: LeI4nd
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