Dumb Little Man

Share PowerPoint Presentations Online

Share PowerPoint Presentations Online

Did one of the important attendees not make it to the presentation that you delivered yesterday? If he can’t come to the presentation, the presentation can go to him! That’s not as far fetched as it may sound – and you need not even email him your PowerPoint!

Several new Web 2.0 sites have come up that let you upload your PowerPoints. You can then send anyone a link to your presentation, and they can view it online in an embedded page. They don’t have access to your actual PowerPoint file (it’s secure) but they can see every slide (it’s available 24/7). Yes, it does sound like the YouTube of PowerPoint presentations!

I’ll look at three such options here, and then tell you more about how you could upload your PowerPoint to YouTube as well.

Did you make a change in your original PowerPoint? No worries – you can upload it again, and your links don’t change. Do you want to add narration or a background music score? You can do that too using the just released SlideCasting option. In fact you can combine your PowerPoint and narration, and create a cool webcast.

However, ScreenCast is not free although they do have a limited, free account option.

Do note however that you don’t have to upload your Camtasia created PowerPoint movies to ScreenCast – you can also upload it to YouTube, Google Video, iFilm or any other video sharing site!

And if you want to make videos from your PowerPoint presentations free of cost, you can do that with nothing other than what’s included with every version of Windows XP or Vista. Yes, that’s Windows Movie Maker and you can learn how to do that at:


Written for Dumb Little Man by Geetesh Bajaj, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP. You can check out more from Geetesh at Indezine and ppted.com.

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