15 Signs That Show Someone Is a Real, True Friend

Friends are very important in our lives. If you have a true friend and find love in someone special, then you are one of the luckiest people in the world.
Essentially, true friendship is an expression of a type of love.
Whether you find friendship in a lover or someone you are just friends with, there may be a time when you question if this person is a true friend or not — and that’s ok.
Even well-established relationships need reviewing once in a while. No one would like to invest time into a relationship that is unproductive or heading nowhere.
These 15 signs of true friendship will help you determine whether someone in your life is a real friend or not.
They support you in everything
A real friend will encourage you in anything that you try. They will be there every step of the way, looking for opportunities to help you grow. Your cause becomes their cause. They will rejoice when you are making progress and celebrate with you.
They stick with you at your worst
Life has its ups and downs. For many people, it is easy to stick around when the going is good but not when things are tough.
A real friend is not one of these many people, he or she is different.
They will be there when the going gets tough. Your worries become their worries. They share your successes as well as your failures.
They forgive you for anything
We are all humans and we may screw up sometimes. With a fake friend, a mistake can cost you a friendship but this is not the case with a real friend. A real friend forgives because he or she values your friendship more than your mistakes.
They always have your back
Whether you are wrong or right, once the deed has been done, a real friend will stand by you no matter what.
They will take your side and fight for you irrespective of who is on the other side. But even so, they will rebuke you and correct you when you are wrong.
They constantly keep in touch
Fake friends will only contact you when they need something or when things take a turn in their life. A real friend will contact you because they are interested in what is going on in your life.
They keep your secret
No one knows you quite like your real friends. If anyone is privy to your dark little secrets, it would be your true friend. A real friend values your confidence and will keep your secrets safe with them.
They make time for you
A real friend doesn’t just stay in touch via calls or chats, they make time for you. If you need them to help out with something really important, they will find time for it.
They will also squeeze out time to spend casually with you even when they have busy schedules.
They are loyal and faithful
A loyal and faithful friend is a true friend. Such a friend is someone who is unwavering in their devotion to you and any agreed cause. He or she would not betray you and can be trusted to keep to agreements.
They don’t ridicule you in public
A true friend knows your flaws but still accepts you regardless. The person does not go about mocking or humiliating you, especially in public.
A real friend will showcase your bright sides while helping you work on your weakness where they can.
They are open to you
A true friend is real, the person discusses things openly with you and does not hide feelings.
A real friend will tell you the truth irrespective of whether it hurts or pleases.
That’s not to say they don’t care how you will feel, they actually do.
They keep their promises
A true friend keeps promises. When a real friend says something, the person means it and keeps his words.
If something happens that makes fulfilling a promise difficult, a true friend will be sincere in telling you. And they would make it up to you at a later time.
They are trustworthy
A true friend should be a trusting and trustworthy person.
You are going to be sharing a chunk of your life with this person. It is important that they be someone you can trust and who trust you also.
The thing about trust is that it is earned. A true friend will not only earn your trust but not break it.
They know and understand you
Part of what makes someone a true friend is their understanding of you and how well they know you.
A friend should be able to say what you can do and what you cannot. A real friend may even understand you more than you understand yourself.
They will always have your interest at heart.
They remember things about you
What we care about we think about, and what we think about we remember. A true friend hardly forgets any event that is dear to you.
It may be your birthday, anniversary or any other celebrations.
When they can’t make it there, they will be proactive in telling you. Also, when it comes to discussions, a true friend will remember most because they are true listeners.
They think about you before themselves
Thinking of other people before oneself is an attribute of love. A true friend is a loving and caring friend.
Such a person will always look out for your interest, sometimes to their own detriment.
True friendship is about sacrifices.
See Also: 10 Characteristics of A Good Friend
John Vadenport
John has always had a natural ability to support people desirous of improving relationships, not only in the workplace but also in their personal lives. He is the Co-founder of Sociotelligence.com a platform that helps people become more social.