5 Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy This Winter

The winter months bring some of our favorite holidays filled with loved ones and delicious food. But, while we indulge and celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, it’s important to stay on top of your skincare routine which may be affected by the harsh winter weather. The combination of frigid air outside and dryness from having the heater on inside can cause dehydrated skin, leading to flaking, cracking, and tightness, as well as oily areas.
This is how your skin care in winter should look like:
1. Exfoliate
Over time, dead skin cells build up which can lead to unfavorable outcomes such as clogged pores and acne. Not only does exfoliating remove dead skin cells and make way for fresh skin, it also makes pores look smaller. Removing this buildup also helps your skin absorb everything more, such as moisturizer and anti-aging serums.
2. Moisturize
While moisturizing may not be on the top of your list, it definitely needs to be especially during winter. Moisturizing does a number of things for your skin, such as reducing the chances of having skin problems, keeping blemishes at bay, fighting wrinkles, and overall keeping your skin hydrated.
A great time to moisturize is after a shower to ensure that every last bit of moisture gets sealed in.
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3. Wear Sunscreen
Just because you’re not lounging out by the pool this time of year doesn’t mean it’s time to lay off the sunscreen. The harmful UV sun rays are just as strong in winter despite how cold it may get outside.
Sun damage is the number one cause of wrinkles and aging, making sunscreen crucial to wear year-round.
4. Remove Makeup
Forgetting to remove makeup before going to sleep each night can lead to a multitude of skin problems, such as clogged pores, acne breakouts, fine lines, puffiness, and more. The skin renews and rejuvenates itself while we sleep, and leaving makeup on prevents this from happening.
5. Drink Water
One of the easiest ways to keep your skin healthy and hydrated is to drink water. It also helps maintain that radiant, healthy, younger-looking complexion.
See Also: 9 Great Reasons to Drink Water, and How to Form the Water Habit