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Stop the Laziness! 6 Simple Ways to Start Exercising Today



With today’s time poor society, many of us struggle to find the time and the energy to exercise. Sure we know we should and we know it’s good for us but between work and family responsibilities, it may seem almost an impossible task to start and maintain a healthy exercise routine.

The best exercise for you is quite simply one you’ll do regularly.

The purpose of the following tips is to help those looking for a way to make a start. If you’re looking to break out of an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place.

  1. Go for a walk during your lunch break
    Instead of surfing the Internet during your lunch break, get out off the office for a brisk walk. Doing so will be great for clearing your head and relieving some stress. If there is a park nearby, enjoy a brisk walk and take your lunch with you. I say brisk not rushed. Rushing only drains your energy levels because we expend a lot of nervous energy.

The best time to eat is after exercise. This is because the body more readily assimilates the protein, fat and carbohydrates you consume. After eating take a slower walk back to the office. This will help you better digest the meal you just ate.

By the time they actually get to park, they’ve wasted more nervous energy then it would have cost them to enjoy a healthy walk from the first available spot. If you’ve been guilty of this, then stop trying to score a parking spot near the entrance. Drive directly to the part of the parking lot that is empty and enjoy the exercise.

Consider also that the vegetables you grow for yourself will not need to be harvested by large machinery and then shipped thousands of miles to a location where they may be kept in cold storage for weeks, even months. All such activities produce greenhouse gasses and contribute to global warming.

The type of dog you decide on should be appropriately sized for your living arrangements but big enough that it will be a lot of fun to play with and take for walks. Again this is something that I think will enrich your life. Time spent playing and walking your dog shouldn’t even feel like exercise.

What do you do today to sneak in a bit of exercise into your daily routine? Let us know in the comments, I am sure it will help others.

Written on 10/13/2008 by Stephen Cox. Stephen learned the vital importance of good health the hard way. Having overcome open heart surgery at age 7, chronic fatigue at age 20 and debilitating migraines in between. Today Stephen writes daily at Balanced Existence where he shares the knowledge gained from his personal journey of holistic health and wellbeing. Photo Credit:
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